
Discussions whatjd has started

What are the best tuners each company has made, and how you started?13807
The value of a good FM tuner?......, now and in the future...264821
An artist I have enjoyed for many years, Julia Fordham7175
My "audiophile" weakness(es)...ie: how the item looks, and you?.356133
Unusual, but great audio/stereo furniture (and built-ins)?17934
A couple of headphone needs, 182510
Magnepan LRS, any owners experience you can share10710
Helping friends and relatives buy an audio system...139211
Some have called it "the ultimate component", your listening room?12426
Your first step down the "audiophile" path? And sharing mine. 17995
Productive threads vs. contentious replies, .....a numbers game or,...14009
What are your thoughts on the "Edsels" of the audio history?194936
Dahlquist speaker models, question/experience and today485410
The "other" singers you enjoy.........?134120
Audiophile Blu-Ray player(s)?243710