
Responses from whitestix

Need Small Bookshelf Speakers With a Big Sound
I'd say the Dynaudio Excite speakers are very nice.  Have a pair of Dali Zensor 3 speakers and they are by far my favorite under-$2K speakers and I went through a dozen monitors over the past few years before finding these gems.  They do everythin... 
Best Small Floorstanding Speaker under $2K
Interesting question you pose, as an audio nut for 45 years, I happen to think $2K for a pair of speakers is kind of a "sweet spot" for the cost of a pair of speakers in a very fine system.  With a good amp and something like an Oppo 105 CD player... 
$1600. preamp
No question about this recommendation, check out Don Sachs’ tube preamp. The preamp is custom-made, based on 6SN7 tubes and is the most satisfying amp I have ever had in my system, which include Modwright, Belles, Berning, and a upgraded HK-CI. It... 
Can the KEF LS50 rock?
I have had a ton of monitors through my system in the past 10 years and the LS50's were my least favorite, notwithstanding their fine reviews.  I found them to be harsh and very hard to drive.  I have fallen in love with Dali monitors, very neutra... 
Dennis Had IFA-1 EL84 SET amp coming my way...
A note to interest audiophiles. The amp sounded splendid with the JJ EL84 tubes, but I upgraded to Genalex Gold Lion EL84 power tubes from my tube guru, Jim McShane, and the amp yields even more sonic pleasure. Overall, the sound is a less congest... 
Dennis Had IFA-1 EL84 SET amp coming my way...
Well, gents, I got the new amp yesterday, designated as the Inspire IFA-1.  It came with new JJ tubes which I have found in other gear to be pretty decent.  So, with 24 hours on his little 6-wpc SET amp, I am of the opinion that this amp is a migh... 
Anything you liked at the Newport Show?
I couldn't make the show this year and am happy to read your show reports.  I just got a new Dennis Had IFA-1 EL84 amp this week to pair with my Spatial Audio Hologram M4 Turbo S OB speakers (a match made in heaven!) and am happy to hear that at l... 
Dennis Had Inspire Fire-Bottle SET amp review
Right on, Rob.  I have been through a dozen speakers in the past maybe ten years and enjoyed all of them a lot, except for the KEF LS50s.  Before the Holograms, I had pair of Linkwitz LXmini's, which in many respects were simply amazing -- very ho... 
Dennis Had Inspire Fire-Bottle SET amp review
Mikirob,I have posted a review on Audiogon of the M4 Turbo's.  As much as I like them with a SS amp, they are even more euphonic with the SE amp.  I paired a REL T7 sub and they are very full ranged.  If I had the room, I would have opted for the ... 
Dennis Had Inspire Fire-Bottle SET amp review
JM, thanks for the correction, not that I can fathom the difference between triode and pentode.  David, thanks for the fuse suggestion, but I have tried the SR Red fuse, and came to the same conclusion that Dennis has --  there is no sonic differe... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
You guys have it exactly right.  These two recordings are as good as it gets.   
Why does my 35 watt tube amp draw 300 watts of power
Gents,+1 to the cats that chimed in above, they have it exactly right. I have heard several Class D amps in my system and found them all dry and lifeless, although the newer variants appear to be better sounding. I heard a pair of Channel Island C... 
Need wiring diagram for Neutrix connector to REL T7 sub
Wolf,BTW, you have some very rational posts on the thread about fuse directionality.  I work with several PhD EE's and physicists and I have put this whole fuse business to them and all of them, to a man, thought I had rocks in my head for even en... 
Need wiring diagram for Neutrix connector to REL T7 sub
You have better eyes than me, brother.  The Neutrick diagram gave me the correct orientation.  Take care.  
spatial audio M3 or M4 as an upgrade
Hi Rick,I have had the M4 Turbo S speakers for about 6 weeks after having Linkwitz LXmini's and I am delighted with these speakers, but I can't give you a frame of reference to your Dahlquists.  After having had box speakers for over 45 years, the...