
Responses from whitestix

What speaker cables can complete with Audience 24e or 24e SE for less $$
Plenty of great suggestions above.  I have tried lots of speaker cable, albeit modestly priced, and the Blue Jeans Belden cable is excellent. I current have Mogami 3103 cable which is wonderful and affordable for the 25' runs need.  I recently aud... 
What are the smallest speakers that are clean and flat down to 20hz?
My take is that Noble100 (Tim)  is the "smartest man in the village" with educated insight.  I look to see more of his posts.  If the penchant of the OP is excellent bass response in a small speaker, I will offer two alternatives:  Joseph Audio Pu... 
Shunyata Venom IC's review
As I see the hundreds and hundreds of pricey IC's and speaker cables for sale on AG and Audio Mart, I guess it must be the case that as one follows the cost curve upward with respect to cabling, additional artifacts of music can be revealed.  I am... 
Class D Technology
I had a Bel Canto Class D amp a few years ago and it was awful. However, I heard the Channel Islands Audio Class D mono block amps a while ago at an audio show and judged them to be outstanding.  Class D amp technology has progressed and I don't d... 
Oppo CD/ Channel Islands DAC connectivity issue
A follow-up post now that the CIA DAC is operable.  Spending an afternoon yesterday and the morning today comparing the Oppo straight into my preamp vs. through the CIA DAC, I conclusively conclude that there is no sonic benefits to the DAC.  Mayb... 
What do audiophiles want from a cable?
This is an interesting and argumentative thread which often develops when the OP asks such an oblique question. I haven't seen much of GK posting, but he can be relied upon for contributing nothing but nonsense to the discussion.  I will say that ... 
Shunyata Venom IC's review
I have been swapping my current power cord for the new Shunyata Venom power cord ($120) and by gosh do sense lots noise, a darker background, and a more lively presentation to the music with the Shunyata's.  I will continue the swapping, but so fa... 
Oppo CD/ Channel Islands DAC connectivity issue
Erik,I changed the setting on the Oppo from Bitstream to 192k LPCM and the optical output now works.  Thanks a million for the help. 
What drugs do you use to enhance your listening experience?
The question raised by the OP strikes me as absurd as the answer can be found through self-discovery and the views of others is largely irrelevant.  Don't rule out a battery-powered b#tt plug to add to your listening experience, but I suppose ever... 
Oppo CD/ Channel Islands DAC connectivity issue
I checked the Oppo manual and am I right in assuming that I have to hook up the Oppo to a television to get to this Settings Menu?  My TV is on the fritz....    
Oppo CD/ Channel Islands DAC connectivity issue
Thanks Eric, I reckon you are on to the solution.   
Oppo CD/ Channel Islands DAC connectivity issue
Gents,Thanks for weighing in.  Per CIA's suggestion, I swapped the Belden digital cable for a regular IC and still see no signal on the CIA DAC.  Erik, can you expand on your post as i think you might be getting me on the right track.  Thanks guys.  
Don Sachs 3 octal tube preamp... latest version
Permit me to make a clarification to the final paragraph of my post above.  Don's KT88-based amp is just that, not a preamp as I incorrectly stated  Don informed me that he makes no assertion that his amp is a significant improvement over an fully... 
How long will tubes last in a pre-amp?
I ran the tubes in my  CJ PV8 for over a decade with no problem or noise.  However, when I upgraded them, WOW, it was like a whole new amp, a huge improvement.   As the poster above, noted, you might rolling some different tubes through the unit, ... 
Dennis Had Inspire Fire-Bottle SET amp review
Great post, Mike, happy listening!