

Responses from wig

Audio Magic umbilical w/ Modwright CD players
Brownsfan,Looking forward to your evaluation.Wig :) 
First foray into Class A amp -- recommendations
I heard a Belles SA-30 driving a pair of $100K Focal in a massive room to unbelievable levels; couldn't believe it was 30 watts... 
ILLusion Liquid Air Umbilical for Modwright units
Rbbert,Contact Jerry at Audio Magic and he know which 4 pin connectors the MW units need. There is no price list on his sight regarding umbilical cords and a call would be needed for a quote and the price is very reasonable for the performance you... 
ILLusion Liquid Air Umbilical for Modwright units
I have not considered the EML 5U4 but I may read up on it to see what folks are saying... 
ILLusion Liquid Air Umbilical for Modwright units
Brownsfan,I lived with the LA for a year before moving up their line but I can tell you that the LA is very good and moving up to an Illusion will get you more refinement, precision and blacker backgrounds. But with the level of your system, I wou... 
ILLusion Liquid Air Umbilical for Modwright units
Brownsfan,It was a very nice improvement when I upgraded my MW 9.0 to a 9.9 PS but switching to a liquid Air or Illusion Liquid Air draws you into the music. The refinement and sense of being part of the performance is uncanny and I found the Trut... 
ILLusion Liquid Air Umbilical for Modwright units
Erndog,The Truth Umbilical Cord is not even close to Audio Magic entry level Liquid Air Umbilical and they're a little more costly depending on length than the Truth but the performance gained is 2-3 fold! I have read on this forum that the MW Son... 
Psvane KT88 tubes in VAC amps
I've read that small signal tubes takes 50-75 hours of burn-in but if they require 300 hours I'm going to put them back in for another 100 hours and reevaluate. My observations so far are they have a wonderful midrange but my stock Chinese 12AX7 h... 
Shunyata venom digital power cord
At that price point, look into the Voodoo PC and they are very good... 
Speakers for VAC sigma 160i -- need inputs
I'm running my Acoustic Zen Crescendos' with a Vac 160I and LOVE the synergy of this combo... 
HiDiamond cables burn-in
Barto,If memory serves me correctly, I gave mine 300+ hours of burn-in after cooking and they were very good right out of the box but improves with time... 
Psvane KT88 tubes in VAC amps
Dr_john,Thanks for your reply. I'm using the new Black Treasure KTZ made by Shuguang and have heard the Psvane T-II are better but with reliability issues... 
VAC 160iSE integrated with NOLA speakers
Agriculturist,The KT88Z Black Treasures are what I'm using now and I've noticed the best sound at the 340 hour mark. They don't have the top end extension of the GLs but they are superior in every other area.I almost bought the Psvane TII but was ... 
VAC 160iSE integrated with NOLA speakers
Agriculturist,Congrats on your Vac purchase! I have some matched quad GLs and I prefer the Shuguang KT88Z from Grant, much more musical, better decay and lifelike imaging.I'm loving my Vac 160I and will upgrade to the SE at some point... 
HiDiamond cables burn-in
Barto,Find someone who has a cable cooker and cook them for about 5 days and implement them back into your system for 96 hours and you'll hear them at their best. A cable cooker makes a big difference and drastically reduce burn-in time...