@yyzsantabarbara I was very happy with my Serene and Coda but wanted some tube sound in my system and the price was right for my VK-80. I blindly bought the BAT preamp, but I bought from Music Direct who has a 60 day return policy. I have zero regrets in the purchase. I still have my SRa1’s but need to sell them. Great headphones but I decided to concentrate in just my main system instead. I did sell my VM-1a though and don’t have an adapter box so I can’t even listen to the headphones. I thought you purchased the newer 1995’s?
I am purchasing new speakers after the April AXPONA show. My LRS+ are the last component that really needs to be upgraded. I’ve budgeted $25K on this purchase so hopefully I can find something I’m happy with. I see your for sale adds often and you definitely go through lots of equipment. I think the reason I see them so often is because our taste in equipment is very similar. As you know synergy is so important in equipment and that is especially true with amplifiers and preamps. My guess is the Serene just wasn't a good match for Danny's system.