
Responses from wolf_garcia

Where's the trade off?
Turn that thing off when you're not around, you wasteful boneheads! I think the "warm up myth" has ensnared too many at this point, and lends credence to the question: Do you listen to your gear or the music? If everybody tells you their gear heap... 
Magnepan Service HORRIBLE???
Magnapan and any other company that services products aren't so special as to be somehow immune to criticism. 
Jolida jd-502p
Update: I switched the speaker outs on my 502p to the 4 ohm option, put the KT120s back in (I switch the power tubes around so often that I might wear out the sockets), and the slight mechanical hum went down to nearly inaudible. The combination o... 
rear firing tweeters....
Remember the Bose speakers that were designed to point 8 little EQd woofers (each) at the wall with one or two pointed at the listener? People loved those things...and then Bose took the front speakers off and turned them around to sell as Pro Sou... 
Class A amps or Class D??: Which sounds better??
I think a bottom line in this discussion is the "bottom line." From what I've seen, Class D modules can be VERY inexpensive relative to what they potentially can offer, and, weirdly, some of the manufacturers are trying to sell things and make a p... 
Magnepan Service HORRIBLE???
Does Magnapan know about this thread? I'm always amazed at how lame businesses can be about bad publicity. I wish there was a way to calculate the damage being done to Magnapan, and any other company ignoring the modern forum based wrath machines.... 
Magnepan Service HORRIBLE???
Please take 3 points away from Phasecorrect for ruining my drought humor thread. Also, I had UPS (insured) actually lose a sweet guitar amp I'd sold on Ebay...they were nice and STILL took about 3 weeks to pay me. For everything except the shippin... 
Class A amps or Class D??: Which sounds better??
I think tubes are more fun than any newfangled technology...do the Class D modules glow and burn your fingers when you check the bias? No. I rest my case. 
Class A amps or Class D??: Which sounds better??
Blah blah, and, of course, blah. Isn't this question (at least the subjective qualitative opinions part) like asking, "What's better...6 cylinder cars or 8 cylinder cars?" If the only thing defining an amp is its operating class, the world is too ... 
Magnepan Service HORRIBLE???
I'm tellin' ya...it's really hot and dry out there...the corn's-a-dyin'...mercy...mercy... 
Should I spike my B&W 804D's
Vibrapods...try 'em...be like me. 
Magnepan Service HORRIBLE???
I think the explanation is that the Midwest is currently in the grip of a terrible drought, so everyone is kinda touchy. 
improving bass on large floorstanders....
I'm anti spike having spiked for many years. I use Vibrapods under my floorstanding speakers (Silverline Preludes), although not my sub (REL Q150e)...it sits on felt pads just to keep it from scratching my floor. I might be nearly alone in this, b... 
rear firing tweeters....
I don't mind what my listening room sounds like, but I do mind being told what live music sounds like since I've successfully played it and mixed it for money most of my life. Rear firing tweeters are interesting, sometimes sound great, but are si... 
rear firing tweeters....
Sonus Faber seems to like the idea.