
Responses from wolf_garcia

Replasment for Mullard Long Plates?
I've got AC so the 502 heat doesn't matter, although I did worry about that at first. I stuck it on the bottom of a rack with plenty of room above it, but it does insure that all the gear above it will never freeze. I just noticed the 502 stays mo... 
What is a "Current Dumping amp??".. and Pros/Cons
The article posted here (http://www.richardbrice.net/curdump.htm) is great and although I barely understand it, it's exactly the style of technical writing we need more of. 
Replasment for Mullard Long Plates?
Hey Jedinite24...you get your 502p up and running yet? Yeah...try these 7025s...they're really good. I've kept the EH 12AT7s that are original to the amp since, from what I've read anyway, they're supposedly somewhat "tone neutral", but that won't... 
Looking for best $1000 tube power amp
I went looking for a tube power amp a few months ago and found that the least expensive (by far) option that made sense to me ...new anyway...is Jolida. Period. Bought the newest version of the JD502P via Rick at Audioforce (nice guy, great deal),... 
Need Suggestions For Raising Speaker Height
I tried outriggers on my speakers but my paddle would bang against the i'ako and the whole thing was just ridiculous. 
Replasment for Mullard Long Plates?
After a couple of days with the matched set of "preferred 7025s" I can say they're a qualified success. Exactly as described in the sense that they're more tonally accurate and somewhat tighter sounding than the Tung Sol 12ax7s, with a bit more cl... 
Need Suggestions For Raising Speaker Height
I found some very inexpensive butcher blocks at Home Goods...painted them flat black and put them under my Silverline Prelude's bases. Perfect, and they have different sizes of the blocks so something should fit. I have Vibrapods under the Prelude... 
More power for better sound at low volumes?
This topic is almost meaningless if you can't specify exactly what constitutes "low volume" or "high volume" as these things are relative to the individual actually listening (except regarding extremes in level like REALLY LOUD or REALLY SOFT)...A... 
More power for better sound at low volumes?
I tried filling my listening room with a gas to see if it made any difference, but I passed out before I got to hear anything. 
More power for better sound at low volumes?
The fact that any good system sounds different when playing at low volume usually has zero to do with the system, and everything to do with your ears and your brain. The spacial cues provided by treble get lost, and the bass stops interacting with... 
Fast power cables?
I got a great deal on my used (i.e. "broken in") PS Audio cable...another reason to feel good...add that to my "feel good about my IEC cable" total. 
Fast power cables?
The modern redneck has been obviated in some cases by the use of sunscreen. I was worried about my REL sub having a somewhat basic IEC cord so I bought a used PS Audio AC cable. It's very thick, looks really cool, works fine (better? not sure but ... 
KT120 tubes in AudioResearch ref 300 MK2
Please note that I have never found a single reported case of KT120s overheating any transformer anywhere ever at any time in the history of the universe....and I've asked around. I'm using 'em in a Jolida amp and they sound killer compared to the... 
Primaluna tube gear
The inspiration for my recent foray into tube hifi (plenty of tube guitar amp experience prior to this obsession) was partly inspired by hearing a Primaluna integrated a friend was raving about and a VTL I liked. Consequently I bought neither and ... 
Replasment for Mullard Long Plates?
I ordered the matched "Preferred 7025" tubes from Thetubestore and will be forced to try them completely on my own...flying blind...nobody to provide pre-purchase comments...abandoned...but I'm gonna stick my Tung Sol 12AX7s in my guitar amp so th...