Responses from wolf_garcia
warm digital cable Audiofreak is NOT entitled to his opinion unless it agrees with mine. That's just how I roll. | |
Analytical or Musical Which way to go? Mrmitch...I did not think you were knocking my age group, I just used your comments as an opportunity to rant, and for that I thank you. Measurements for speaker design are important to see where a design is headed, but ANY speaker designer has to... | |
Analytical or Musical Which way to go? Many things common to small towns like lack of sophistication, racism, wife swapping, smallness, extreme smallness, lack of hipsters, a lack of "pretentious audio salons", lack of decent porn, are in my book (or pamphlet) obscene. So are Yamaha ns... | |
Analytical or Musical Which way to go? Conundria (a word I just made up, or an obscure Italian town). I think it comes down to "things you like and things you don't like". Reviews that say "this speaker is too revealing for crappy gear", although sounding reasonable, is weird to me and... | |
Cleaning the equipment Wait...did you think I was joking? Man...nobody takes me seriously around here. | |
Cleaning the equipment Hose it out and leave it in the sun to dry. Another method is get a really furry cat that is NOT in a shedding phase and trap it under the cover of the amp briefly (I did say "briefly" as I'm not into animal abuse) and rest assured, the squirming ... | |
Burning question about two VAC amps and dead tubes Demonic possession is often NOT covered under warranty (or divorce decrees seemingly)...I think tube amps should last for about 72 years with only minor maintenance and tubes should die a long protracted death, not flame out. Wall voltage is rarel... | |
PA Speakers for Parties I agree that $300 will just not do...no no no...but a grand might get you close. I am a veteran live sound pro...I am...so sue me! Now that that's out of the way I can easily suggest a pair of used Mackie SRM450s and any cheap used mixer (Behringe... | |
Reliability of Cary Audio Products Maybe I expect too much, but I've owned a pile of both pro and hifi stuff over many years and am surprised at how reliable it has generally been, so if something goes bad I freak. I sent an Acurus A250 amp (new back then) back to Mondial 3 times f... | |
NEW CA DACMagic+ Maybe they'll make a Pangea with a dimmer LED as that's my only P100 complaint (minor). | |
NEW CA DACMagic+ That response is weirdly anti-sales business as you would think they'd want to sell a ton of P100s. By the way, somebody at Audio Advisor told me that the DACMagic is the best selling item they've EVER had. So none of this makes sense. | |
Do your speakers have enough "freshness" My speakers have a hint of eucalyptus that I attribute to my fetid imagination. | |
Gold Lion KT88's Upgrade I've tried KT88s, 6550s, and KT120s in my new Jolida. The KT120s won the spot (spots) in my amp. They're only made by one company though, so the only options for 'em is to buy "cryoed" or not. I went with non cryoed and they really kick ass, and I... | |
Tube failure -- what would happen in worst case? I noted in another thread that I've been using and abusing various tube guitar amps since the 60's and, since 1968 anyway, no tube has blown up. | |
Stand alone dac vs built in dac what's the better My DAC (DACmagic) has a couple of inputs and it really improved what I hear from my old Marantz CD changer (well made thing that refuses to die). I've A/Bd it with the iTunes lossless signal sent to my Squeezebox Touch and on to the DAC and it sou... |