
Responses from wolf_garcia

Variations in how your system sounds?
I recently bought a Hi-Fi Choice magazine with a free System Set-Up disc. It's pretty entertaining, especially the soundstage tests...and it has a burn-in track with demagnetisation which I DO NOT understand...how can playing a digital track on a ... 
lp grunge
I was raised in Honolulu...isn't that pretty far south? We learned to tolerate elitist gasbags who reveal their insecurities with snarky claims of superiority. I think it's kinda cute. 
lp grunge
To be clear...nobody who has been "brought up" has a "lack up upbringing", or they simply wouldn't be up. Specificity counts in reparte'. I think Rok2id makes some valid points, and all of us who enjoy the sweet sound of analog and marvel at the f... 
lp grunge
Somebody else in here noted the AQ mat being sticky and weird...not that that's a BAD thing...I bought one of those carbon felt anti-static mats and it works great although you do need to do try not to get dandruff on it when leaning over to que s... 
Amp burn-in..Best technique
I think it's interesting to listen to an amp or other component as it breaks in...unless it sucks so bad before break in you can't take it (recently had some balanced cables with precisely that issue...they were banned forever from my system in on... 
Amp circulation question
Parasound makes an interesting little fan gizmo...but if the amp is in an "open surround" sort of non-cabinet I bet it's OK. 
for Bill Evans fan
I recently bought a new LP of "Waltz for Debby" and love it along with the LP of "Everybody Loves Bill Evans". The sound in the background of the tinkling glasses and "Madmen" era crowd yammering is cool in the Village Vanguard stuff. 
Starting Over
Dacmagic...still the bargain among DACs. 
Why magic at 80 db?
Sound higher than 85db sustained over a long period can strip your aural gears, so to speak. Peaks in music can get somewhat higher and cause no harm, other than making you boogie around the room bumping into things. 
Rega, Music Hall or VPI
I got lucky with a "not particularly well regarded" used Linn Basik/Akito combo...best under 500 bucks I've ever spent, and, although it is simple and unsprung, after careful setup (mostly due to following the suggestion of putting it on a low-mas... 
Vandersteen 2ce
My only issue with these is their size...and that fact that with most Vandys (except 5's and up) you can't take the covers off to look at things...I know that sounds lame but I like to poke around speakers, tighten the speaker bolts, take the driv... 
How does the drum kit sound on your rig?
I agree...recorded drums can actually sound better than live since, unless you sit in the drummers lap, rarely does an acoustic space produce a balanced sound. I have been successful with the simplest miking for a jazz drummer by using a kick mic ... 
speaker cable placement/arrangement
The wheels have come off this thread, as well they should. 
speaker cable placement/arrangement
I prefer to enjoy the "babes" and let others correct my spelling. 
How does the drum kit sound on your rig?
Live drums are as dynamic as the drummer wants them to be...if all drummers just pounded the crap out of the kit it would be a boring and monodynamic world. I've worked with a LOT of drummers over the years and the best have a sense of dynamics an...