for Bill Evans fan

What is your favorite album?

"Portrait In Jazz". The Village Vanguard albums are, of course, landmark recordings, but "Portrait..." catches the Evans/Scott LaFaro/Paul Motian trio at their first full stretch. It has the advantage of freshness and some harder swinging performances than on the Vanguard set. Unfortunately, the fine Analogue Productions mono LP has the lesser take of "Autumn Leaves", which, while still excellent, does not approach the transcendent stereo take available on other LP and CD versions. The stereo "Autumn Leaves" is one of the true miracles in the history of recorded jazz.
Waltz for Debby is hard to beat. Everything wiht LaFaro & Motian blows me away!

I recently bought a new LP of "Waltz for Debby" and love it along with the LP of "Everybody Loves Bill Evans". The sound in the background of the tinkling glasses and "Madmen" era crowd yammering is cool in the Village Vanguard stuff.
"Infinity", with Toots Theilman on harmonica, it's his most unusual and beautiful work.