
Responses from wolf_garcia

what system musicians prefer? Do they care?
I’ve been a professional musician since the 60s and also (or at least pre-pandemic) mix smaller venue concert sound. Among working musicians it’s pretty much like everybody else...most don’t care about having a high end sound hobby. That’s just ho... 
What’s a mistake you made by being impulsive?
I’ve impulsively bought 3 pairs of otherwise well regarded/reviewed new speakers in the last few years (not counting a 4th pair I kept) that I sent back or sold off. All without hearing them first (except the ones I kept). Oh well...lesson (maybe)... 
Magico compared to Tannoy
I think a big difference is the fact that Magicos are generally more water resistant.  
So done with audiophile fuses
Many, including myself, have questioned the hyperbole and silly claims of the efficacy of Magic (re: expensive) Fuses, and also question the claims of those who condescendingly imply that those who don’t hear the alleged benefits are inferior list... 
Tekton versus Klipsch
My Heresy IIIs (with a couple of REL subs) sound flawless with my tubed system. Great coherent mids and just clean all around. Again, trust your ears with speakers as it's about personal taste. 
transistor pre with the sound of tubes
Get a Schiit Freya + preamp and have tubes, no tubes (it actually turns the tubes off), or a passive setting, and it costs less new than anything mentioned here yet. 900 bucks...I have one (original version) and its most recent quad of NOS GE tube... 
What do we hear when we change the direction of a wire?
I just made another REL cord for a new sub and noticed the Canare wire I used isn't labeled for directionality...should I undo the carefully shrink wrapped and Speakon festooned masterpiece I assembled? Uh...no.  
What Makes your System Special?
The liquid liquidity of its liquidness. Oh...and the fact that it's in my house and I can listen to music through it. 
Why Do So Many Audiophiles Reject Blind Testing Of Audio Components?
Mahgister...way to chew the fun outta my gum. 
Why Do So Many Audiophiles Reject Blind Testing Of Audio Components?
You have to admit, in audio blind testing is way more effective than deaf testing...just sayin'... 
This is very timely...
It would seem that Goodwin's High End (near me) is doing fine...nice guys (recently repaired and tuned up my Linn table for relatively very little money). Is Goodwin's killing audio? Somehow I doubt it. 
I'm here for the sharing, not the snobery
I disagree...I think it's extremely important to not only spend your brains out on your gear and mention your other expensive hobbies (at least one gifted listener here has described how much money he has), but to pontificate at length about how s... 
Adcom 535L upgrades?
I’ve owned a few 535s and they always worked flawlessly and sounded fine. I currently use a later 5300 as a backup/satellite (outdoor speakers) amp and sold the last of my 535s a few years ago. The 5300 is 85wpc and in my humble (!) opinion it sou... 
Favorite obsolete formats.....
Wax cylinders...a technology that literally dissolved. 
Got a Node 2i, what's next?
I didn't like the sound of the internal DAC in the Node 2i so much so I added a Schiit Bifrost 2 and it was much improved.