Responses from wolf_garcia
The "Snake Oil" Trope I think the actual widespread use of a product makes up for the nonsensical hyperbole attached to Magic Audio items...if something works, people will find their way to it. Note how much silly audio stuff with imagined technology gets ignored inste... | |
What do "audiophiles" use to judge equipment? The opinions of pretentious bloviating gasbags on websites. | |
Does listening to music increase your IQ? The great thing about age is getting to rediscover what you forgot. Also it's true that using your brain creatively (play an instrument, paint, do crossword puzzles...) keeps it working. | |
Point to Point vs Circuit Board Call me crazy but I think the SOUND of the component is what's important. | |
New cables - To judge now or after burn in period? The dilemma can be that you like the cables immediately and then they burn in and they SUCK. The only answer when that happens is to get new cables every couple hundred hours... | |
How many dealers do you use? Not long ago a turntable expert at Goodwin's High End fixed my que lever and tuned up my Linn for surprisingly small bucks. | |
PowerBall Lottery Winner Go see some live music. | |
Quality 1 meter RCA Interconnects under $100? Is that Morrow Audio? I use various morrow cables and they're great, and wonder if anyone has EVER paid full list for this stuff? | |
Bass sensation like a loud car system in home? For relatively small money you can buy used 18" powered pro subs often dumped by a failed "DJ". That should do it. | |
Any idea which headphones I’d like? I really like Grado cans (and their headphones too) and since I rarely listen to my main system with phones (I do use a simple system with the Grados for bedtime music while reading) I'm fine with the less expensive versions, including the amazing... | |
Different subwoofer settings for different albums? I use 2 RELs and adjusted them with test tones to match the main speakers...the tests tones really were a starting point to let me know where the main speakers drop off and my trusty ears do the rest of the evaluation. I did put "chicken head" kno... | |
More watts or better power ? Get a much larger amp and sell the XA25 to me. | |
Speaker Road Trip Well designed horn speakers aren’t "shouty" at all, any more than non horns are all reticent and dull...generalizations don’t further a discussion, they’re just lazy (except this generalization regarding generalizations). | |
Reasonably sensitive speakers for tube amps, max $2k/pair, new or used Klipsch Heresy IIIs...if you can find a pair they'd likely be well under 2 grand. I tried the IVs and Dirty Weekends last winter and rejected both and kept my Heresy IIIs. Great speakers. | |
The best tube poweramp. . What do you think about ? Also a Had fan...my fave of all time Inspire Firebottle HO (it's a HO...says it right on the front) SEP with Heresy IIIs (better than the IVs for my tastes) sounds astonishingly good although nearly unobtanium if you desire one...so...uh...forget ... |