
Responses from wolf_garcia

Klipsch Heritage Range
I love the sound of classical (and every other genre I let into my ears) through my well sorted system with Heresy IIIs (and 2 subs)...just great speakers. 
Do you let the turntable spin when putting down record and attach the clamp.
What about chain drive tables? Personally the rattling bugs me. Also, I have an ancient but simple Linn Basik/Akito and turn it off when changing records, especially since I use a Mitchell "Rega" clamp. It runs perfectly and should continue doing ... 
Are your current amps and other gear the best you've ever had?
Yeah...you're content with your system until you realize your fuses are in backwards. 
Are your current amps and other gear the best you've ever had?
My current pile of hifi gear is certainly the best I've had, and it also sounds better to me than anything anybody else has simply because the system has been tuned to my earballs. However, it might not be the best I'll EVER have as ya just never ... 
Pentode Power Tubes - Ultralinear vs Triode
My Dennis Had Firebottle HO (it's a HO...says right there...) is a single ended pentode amp at about 12 to 17 watts (HO is "High Output") depending on tubes. Although Atmasphere's frequent comments regarding SET (Or SEP in my case) distortion make... 
Klipsch Heresy iv...Your experience.
I already had the IIIs, and was simply so curious about the IVs after the positive reviews that I just had to grab a pair. I noted someplace else that the IVs are far more sophisticated in their assembly, and compared to my IIIs, the finish is muc... 
Schiit order issue - anyone receiving shipments?
Schiit's issues with communication or issues fulfilling orders is hardly an indicator of "financial issues." It's likely the opposite as due to brilliant design and the very high regard they've garnered as a high end company with fair pricing...ou... 
For those that use an external DAC with node 2i
As mentioned previously, I also use a Bifrost...the improvement over the Node 2i internal DAC is substantial and immediately obvious in my system. The Node DAC sounds tinny and weirdly low-fi by comparison.  
For those that use an external DAC with node 2i
I run a Node 2i into a Schiit Bifrost...sounds great. 
The guru on fuses:
Fuses remain a great way for hyperbole based companies to make big bucks (what do you think it costs Synergistic to make a fuse?...50 cents maybe?) so they'll always be around, but simply the nature and purpose of a fuse keeps it from improving th... 
Has anybody bought or heard a Chinese knock off amplifier?
Somebody broke into my house and replaced everything with exact replicas (Steven Wright joke). 
Acoustic treatment question: do you agree with Dennis Foley that $46k to $65k is required?
I have an entire building surrounding my listening room with a couple of floors, bedrooms, bathrooms, 2 car garage...worth way more than 65 grand and it sounds great. 
The guru on fuses:
Fuses will indeed change the sound as without them you simply have none. So the lesson here is use fuses and don't be a fuse refuser...some of my fuses cost more than a dollar and hey...they're worth it! 
Best temperature for optimum tube performance
Ever look at a "combo" guitar amp? For example, a Fender Twin Reverb (I’ve owned and abused a couple of these) has 4 6L6 power tubes and 6 preamp tubes, all mounted upside down venting heat into the amp (although they’re uncovered...still...), and... 
Stereo systems are like Harleys
I lived in Redding CT for years and I was 10 minutes from Marcus Dairy in Danbury that had become a Sunday morning mecca for bikers from all over...hundreds of every type of bike (and a couple times a year sponsored "special event" Sundays with ea...