
Responses from wrm57

Speakers for Bryston
What model are you referring to? The "lifted on top" criticism was common for older lines, I understand, pre-SST2. I've actually never heard any of the earlier ones. The current 28B-SST2 is remarkably balanced across the audio band, perhaps even a... 
Speakers for Bryston
All I can say is that your experience with PMC and large Brystons bears no resemblance to mine. None at all. Not even in the same universe. 
Speakers for Bryston
PMC is expensive but value is in the ear of the beholder. I bought IB2i a few months ago and think I received excellent value. With 28B-SST2 amps they sound absolutely gob-smack wonderful, and both brands come with transferable 20-year warranties.... 
Oppo BDP-95 sounds GREAT?
When I bought an Oppo BDP-95 two months ago for my main system I had low expectations, not least because I listen to vinyl 95% of the time in this system and my vinyl rig is good and pricey and carefully set up. But I figured, one box for redbook,... 
9-in arm for SPUs with easy VTA ?
Phil, how is the stock internal wiring on these arms? Also, the specs say max VTF of 3g. I notice, in your primary system, that you run the 12-in. version with a Meister Silver, which has a recommended VTF of 4g. It handles that SPU OK? 
9-in arm for SPUs with easy VTA ?
Interesting rec! Thanks, Phil. 
9-in arm for SPUs with easy VTA ?
Never mind about the phono cable question. I figured it out--DIN connector at the base. 
9-in arm for SPUs with easy VTA ?
Dertonarm, that's good info. Thank you. Is the original wiring good enough in these arms or is it something I should expect to have upgraded? Also, do the internal leads go all the way from the cartridge clips to phono stage inputs, perhaps via RC... 
9-in arm for SPUs with easy VTA ?
Also, are some versions better than others? Anything in particular I should look out for when searching for one? 
9-in arm for SPUs with easy VTA ?
Thanks for the responses. The trick is finding one! You guys have any secret sources? :) 
Speakers for Bryston
PMC mates very well with Bryston. 
Is preamp remote volume a deal breaker for you?
For many years I was completely a purist, which meant definitely no remote. Now I can't do without one in my main system, mostly because it doubles as a 2-channel quasi-home theater. In fact, I've slid all the way down the slippery slope and deman... 
Aesthetix Calypso Signature vs. ARC REF 3
I, too, am interested in answers to the OP. 
Uni-Protractor Set tonearm alignment
The Baerwald alignment using the UNI-Pro sounded better on the Graham than the Wally and better on the Universal than the MintLP. It also sounded better than the UNI-IEC alignment. At some point, I'll go back and realign again using all and rechec... 
Must Hear Speakers in $10K range
They're not easy to audition and don't come up very often used, but PMC IB2i are exceptionally good. Worth looking into.