

Responses from wsrrsw

Lumin U2 mini vs Mac laptop sound test
@johnah5  Is the Lumin broken in? It should take 400-500 hours to settle in. For reals.  
Lumin U2 mini vs Mac laptop sound test
@johnah5 Undetstood. What RCA connects are you using? (Doubt that’s it but could be) The power thing could/couldn’t be a factor too Room?  
Lumin U2 mini vs Mac laptop sound test
@johnah5 I have some hearing loss especially in one ear. The little hearing aids recover upper mids.  
Lumin U2 mini vs Mac laptop sound test
@johnah5 Ok...Connects from U1 to Pre and Power? It may well be your pre/DAC??? Got to ask...does the SPL Director pre/DAC have the DAC turned off or are you double DACing (doubt it) Like many others I have never heard or heard of "computer sound... 
Lumin U2 mini vs Mac laptop sound test
Please full system details (room too) and is your hearing Aok?  
It’s Carbon time.  First time he ripped me I felt sooty.   
How can you evaluate a system with highly processed music?
+1 @hilde45 "The salient question is: how does it sound to you?" Bingo! Traveling back home today. First thing to do will be to warm up system and then listen and chill for a while. Not only does it sound nice and sooth but it's the tonic we are ... 
Adding a Dac and Stresmer
@mhutama What Aurender? What Lumin?   
The difference between Qoboz stream vs purchased songs
@cleeds Thx for the ‘Heads reference.  @gkelly There’s a trove on this forum about ways to improve (streaming) sound. Search and yee shall find. Robert Harley’s book “The complete guide to high-end audio” is a great primer. A well done room (ho... 
Digital Dilemma
@navyachts  No roon on “big rig” (ok sometimes). Roon works on devices aka end points that are on the network. I have two end points. One in the whole house system and the other in joy central. The native Lumin App with the Lumin AMP uses Leedh p... 
Digital Dilemma
@navyachts +1001 what @soix said. KISS. That's why I was recommending the one box solution.  Right now on Audiogone I see a Lumin T3 (new..discounted) an Aurender 200 (good price) and A HiFi Rose (also good price). Entering here may be all you wi... 
Digital Dilemma
@navyachts A good all in one steamer/dac such as a Lumin T3 (used T2), the Aurender N200 or Hifi Rose RS150B all punch above…. (Alas, Aurenders do not play with Roon.)    
Can a better power cable make a difference if NOT plugged directly into an outlet?
@hilde45 In my trip of chasing and getting bettet sound I found that not all Power Conditioners serve that goal well. Just as not all cabels are created equaly so goes it with PCs ( Is that PC to say?). The Audience PC may/may not make a differen... 
The best speaker cables you’ve had
Own..Morrow SP7 When I win lottery ..... and an all Hijiri loom.  
Ahmad Jamal passes.
Very nice Interview by Molly Murphy for the NEA January 11, 2007