Responses from wsrrsw
Lumin U2 mini vs Mac laptop sound test @johnah5 Is the Lumin broken in? It should take 400-500 hours to settle in. For reals. | |
Lumin U2 mini vs Mac laptop sound test @johnah5 Undetstood. What RCA connects are you using? (Doubt that’s it but could be) The power thing could/couldn’t be a factor too Room? | |
Lumin U2 mini vs Mac laptop sound test @johnah5 I have some hearing loss especially in one ear. The little hearing aids recover upper mids. | |
Lumin U2 mini vs Mac laptop sound test @johnah5 Ok...Connects from U1 to Pre and Power? It may well be your pre/DAC??? Got to ask...does the SPL Director pre/DAC have the DAC turned off or are you double DACing (doubt it) Like many others I have never heard or heard of "computer sound... | |
Lumin U2 mini vs Mac laptop sound test Please full system details (room too) and is your hearing Aok? | |
millercarbon It’s Carbon time. First time he ripped me I felt sooty. | |
How can you evaluate a system with highly processed music? +1 @hilde45 "The salient question is: how does it sound to you?" Bingo! Traveling back home today. First thing to do will be to warm up system and then listen and chill for a while. Not only does it sound nice and sooth but it's the tonic we are ... | |
Adding a Dac and Stresmer @mhutama What Aurender? What Lumin? | |
The difference between Qoboz stream vs purchased songs @cleeds Thx for the ‘Heads reference. @gkelly There’s a trove on this forum about ways to improve (streaming) sound. Search and yee shall find. Robert Harley’s book “The complete guide to high-end audio” is a great primer. A well done room (ho... | |
Digital Dilemma @navyachts No roon on “big rig” (ok sometimes). Roon works on devices aka end points that are on the network. I have two end points. One in the whole house system and the other in joy central. The native Lumin App with the Lumin AMP uses Leedh p... | |
Digital Dilemma @navyachts +1001 what @soix said. KISS. That's why I was recommending the one box solution. Right now on Audiogone I see a Lumin T3 (new..discounted) an Aurender 200 (good price) and A HiFi Rose (also good price). Entering here may be all you wi... | |
Digital Dilemma @navyachts A good all in one steamer/dac such as a Lumin T3 (used T2), the Aurender N200 or Hifi Rose RS150B all punch above…. (Alas, Aurenders do not play with Roon.) | |
Can a better power cable make a difference if NOT plugged directly into an outlet? @hilde45 In my trip of chasing and getting bettet sound I found that not all Power Conditioners serve that goal well. Just as not all cabels are created equaly so goes it with PCs ( Is that PC to say?). The Audience PC may/may not make a differen... | |
The best speaker cables you’ve had Own..Morrow SP7 When I win lottery ..... and an all Hijiri loom. | |
Ahmad Jamal passes. Very nice Interview by Molly Murphy for the NEA January 11, 2007 |