

Responses from wsrrsw

At what price is one considered an Audiophile.
“I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member.” Groucho Marx An “audiophile” only need be self proclaimed.   
All Pre 1970 Vintage speakers suck! Prove me wrong
Braun and ADS speakers were great. Tannys too.   
Speakers versus Balance vs Amplifier
I also thought what about your hearing. For years I sat on a couch on a crack to be centered when listening The crack is a poor place to sit so I got a recliner    
Upgrading my streaming/digital system- what would make the most sense?
Search on the forum. There’s enough to degalze or glaze you over. There’s gobs.   
I also use a Lumin X1 directly into the Lumin AMP. SQ improved after removing an excellent Rogers High Fidelity KWM-88 integrated amplifier modified to use KT 170 tubes. I tried many different connects from AMP to streamer and found that made an ... 
Happy Audiophile Day!
Audiophile day. 24/7/365  
The latest audiophile streamer craze
@erik_squires  You said to have fun…I tried.  The Firewalla Purple does an excellent job at keeping your network private.       
The latest audiophile streamer craze
Will upgrade to Titanium Foil for even better sound (and protection from the pesky government and aliens trying to scan my brain) arranged in a secret euclidean fashion. Will use four layers on ceiling and 3.14 for the remainder table router I got... 
The latest audiophile streamer craze
Guess what's on my ceiling?   
Aurender A20 or Lumin X1
As others have penned it’s X1 for Roon. Full disclosure I bought a used X1 and I’am bery happy.  I have listened to both but not in the same room and it’s the room (the while shebang) that matters most.     
Burning smell
Contact your Mac Daddy. Stop using   
Time of Day for best Sound
Anytime you can just listen.  Now’s good.   
Music that has a hold of me beyond understanding
Often Bill Frisell transports me away.  Bits of Erik Satie can do it.  Art Prpper.       
What was your first record?
"Blind Faith" from the Record Club of America  
Watermelon test for audiophiles!
Mark Twain, who famously adored watermelon, described it as the “chief of the world's luxuries… when one has tasted it, he knows what angels eat.” In in the summer, we want nothing more for dessert than watermelon, which contains 92 percent water....