

Responses from wsrrsw

members and their systems
My Dad told me that I could make more money in five minutes by marrying a rich woman than I could in a life time. I didn’t listenAll the money I did make I spent on lunch. Like many here I have friends in the business and that’s what aids in the g... 
Audio Companies with Integrity??
Upscale AudioRogers High Fidelity Rodger Giboni 
Power regenerator vs conditioner
The AudioQuest Niagara 7000 is seamless and (for me) has done the trick. It does not touch the sound. Have compared with direct into wall and all’s well. The AudioQuest Niagara 5000 should preform the same as the 7000. The price for the 7000 has g... 
CD or Streaming... am I missing out?
Using a Primakuna PROLOGUE CLASSIC CD player against a Lumin T2 two of us could hear no difference in “regular” tracks and thought “high res” streaming sounded richer. Naturally two ageing men with arguably not the best hearing may not be definite... 
If your were to assemble a vintage system ?
Braun speakers (719 or 810) ADS too. Marantz 2225 with the VU meters Thornes TT? Something. All on eBay and with in you range. BUT!!!!I’d get new for the down time and future hidden costs that are certainly part of the rig. You’d have to stream. P... 
Choosing new speakers after 20 years
Tannoy for your Female vocals.   
Equal $$ for Phono OR Streaming?
+1 for a PS Audio Directstreamor LUMIN w/ Dac the T2. Mytek brooklyn bridge 2 will soon be out and roon is in the box. Dac chip very good. Hymn. I love vinyl but left it. I can’t hear any difference (others can) and have opted for an intergrated a... 
Speaker Upgrade Recommendation for Current Analog System - under $10,000 Budget
Tannoy speakers.  
Jazz for aficionados
"Ascenseur pour l'échafaud" Miles Davis 
Suggest one obsure album we all should hear
Lizzy Mercier Descloux "Press Color"+1 for Blodwyn Pig - Ahead Rings Out.  The track Dear Jill 
Looking for a ‘’No braine’r Integrated amplifier under 7500 or so
I like tubes, Here’s something beautiful to look at and has a lifetime warranty. As ebay takes around 13% you have headroom to negotiate (as in call them).As you will be using monitors and a sub why not KISS. Toss out (sell) all the other stuff.Ge... 
Dedicated power
@spenav How to wire your house for good power is excellent. It should be required reading. Adding a whole house surge protector (or go Taurus, etc.) to your to do list something to consider. 
Dedicated power
I’d go twin 20amp heavy gauge shielded lines and use Synergistic Research Orange outlets or hospital grade outlets on up. Lots of beefy ones out there. If you do nothing else getting rid of stock wall outlets should help. I could not run new lines... 
Why wont speaker companies publish their measurements?
@jenkit You’re 2 months early for April fools day.    
Inexpensive all in one options
The peach tree audio decco125 SKY should do what you’re after. Find some nice used speakers and you’re good to go. Totem if you can snag some. I set up one of my kids with the above. While not Dad’s system. Wow!LaSpada audio sells decent wire on e...