

Responses from yogiboy

Please help with sideways speaker installation
Why are you surprised? That is the correct position for sideway placement!  
Help me find a pre-amp
Backert Labs! https://backertlabs.com/linestages-no-phono/    
Subwoofer and preamp output impedance
I don’t see any problem. The input impedance of that amp is a high 100K! BTW, you don’t need to be an electrical engineer to do the math! Input  impedance of amp should be at least 10 times the output impedance of preamp!  
shy about prices
In order to find prices you have to find an online retailer that sells the speaker. Most manufacturers very rarely give the price. Case in point: https://store.acousticsounds.com/index.cfm?get=results&searchtext=harbeth Another! https://... 
Why do we demand so much from our systems?
" And I say this because it seems that as our systems improve as well as recordings improve we seem to be getting more demanding and becoming more and more unsatisfied with whatever we listen to." Speak for yourself!  
Recommendations on integrated amps
Easy- peasy! https://www.schiit.com/products/modi-plus  
Recommendations on integrated amps
This Outlaw Audio will fit the bill. And to boost it includes a tuner! https://outlawaudio.com/shop/stereo-receivers/56-rr2160mkii-stereo-receiver.html    
New TT : Balanced vs. Unbalanced Connection?
" I guess I need help in justifying the extra expense." You won’t get that here. You would be better off spendin’ your greenbacks on somthin’ else! An upgraded phono preamp is always a good place to start!  
New TT : Balanced vs. Unbalanced Connection?
"But still, the existing question, is the extra "balanced" effort, complexity, and expense ($3k) worth it vs. unbalanced RCA to the zphono or Yamaha’s phono input." No!  
list of speakers
Nice job and great list. All these British brands should be included!👍👍👍👍👍 Graham Linn Quad Stirling Broadcast Rega Rogers Falcon PMC Wilson Benesch Acoustic Energy Neat Acoustics Pearl Acoustics  
RCA Phono Interconnect Under $400
Here ya go! https://soundorg.com/clearway-analogue-turntable-rca-cable/    
Thank Heavens For The Internet World Used/ Pre-Owned High End Audio Market!!!!
You are so right. It is also great when selling gear. I remember the days when a dealer would give pennies on the dollar for used gear. The internet has given me the opportunity to try gear without any loss when selling or buying!  
Please help with sideways speaker installation
Give bothways a try and listen to which way you prefer! Arguments for Tweeters on the Outside It’s easier for our sense of hearing to place higher-pitched sounds than lower-pitched sounds. Low-pitched sounds are less directional. This is why pe... 
integrated amp with phone for graham ls6 under $4000 new
Here ya go! The cable you are using will not damage the speaker or amp! 1Meter= 3.2808Feet  
Recommendations for a 1-2k used amp?
Check out this Van Alstine Set 120.New for $1200 bucks. My friend uses it with his Harbeth 30.1s. If it doesn’t work out it is fully refundable! Vision SET 120 Power Amplifier – Audio by Van Alstine (avahifi.com)