

Responses from yogiboy

My Four Favorite SS Amps
I stand corrected. I did not know that Vandersteen made amps!  
My Four Favorite SS Amps
C.A.T does not make solid state amps!! https://www.catamps.com    
Looking for 200 watt Amp to drive Dynaudio Heritage speakers
Here ya go! https://avahifi.com/products/dva-set-500-stereo-power-amplifier    
New Falcon ls3/5a Silvers in the house
"I was considering the VT-70 as well..but thought the absence of 16 ohm taps on the transformers may be an issue. " That’s not an issue. I doubt that you would find any modern tube amp with 16 ohm taps. BTW, I’ve owned many LS3/5a type speakers (... 
Anthony (Tony) Cordesman has passed away
I enjoyed his reviews for the long gone Audio magazine. R.I.P!  
What qualities stand out in really good solid state preamps?
@soix Ditto!  👍👍  
What qualities stand out in really good solid state preamps?
"But as was said above, sometimes it’s nice to hear what the rest of the chain is doing, minus the preamp." Have you ever considered a passive preamp?  
Replace stylus or new cartridge?
@lewm LP GEAR also sells Grado replacements. I've been buying from them for years! http://www.lpgear.com/product/GRASTYTLZ.html    
Replace stylus or new cartridge?
@lewm Here ya go! https://gradolabs.com/collections/replacement-stylus-1    
Replace stylus or new cartridge?
I use the TLZ and prefer it to many other cartridges that I’ve owned including moving coils. BTW, if you decide to get a different cartridge PM me and I will buy the TLZ from you if the price is reasonable!!  
Need stand recommendation for Gershman studio IIs
All great suggestions. Here is another option. I’ve used the 2 post 20 inch ones with Falcons that are the same height as your speakers and they were fine! https://skylanstands.com/index.html#stands2p  
Considering replacing old AR 38B
You should stay away from any rear ported speaker. Check out the KLH model 3. It has an acoustic suspension woofer ( very rare nowadays ) like the AR 38B!!  
Rogue Audio hard to resell, has it fallen out of favor ?
The OP asked a legitimate question. Why all the naysayers? BTW, he has all positive feedback on this site!!  
Rogue Audio hard to resell, has it fallen out of favor ?
@onhwy61 The last time I looked the OP has it listed here. So what's the problem with that?  
Speakers to pair with Quicksilver mid mono
Klipsch or JBL should fit the bill. Go to your local Best Buy and give them a listen. Best Buy sells both brands!