

Responses from yogiboy

standby mode
If your preamp has a DC leak it will cause that problem!!  
My speaker upgrade journey - and a few questions
600 watt speakers
@erik_squires @mlsstl Is that how you guys get your jollies off by giving a rookie an answer like that? Very strange!  
Why "bookshelf" sspeakers?
Bookshelf speakers is a term that was used 50 years ago. Many large speakers of that era including JBL , Advent, KLH, ADS, AR, etc. used that label for any speaker that could be placed on a shelf. Your 5Ts are called stand mount not bookshelf spea... 
250 watts will surely drive those speakers!  
And what is a SX-500?  
Tube preamp match with Solid Stare amp
@pennfootball71 What model VAC do you own?  
Sonus Faber Electa Amator i or ii
What price point is that?  
Happy Holidays to All
And a Merry Christmas to you!!  
Speaker for 11x12 room
BTW, you should post this on speaker topic. I'm sure you get many more responses!  
Speaker for 11x12 room
Harbeth P3ESR would be a nice fit! I've owned them and they were my favorite small stand mount speaker!  
Recommend a non-polite sounding amp / integrated
A Pass amp for under 3 grand? Where might you find that?  
Happy Birthday Keith Richards.
He aged better than his sidekick!!  
Preamp Gain issues with high efficiency speakers
25 db of gain is way too much. If you don’t like using in line attenuators the only other option is a preamp with a lot less gain. BTW, CJ preamps are known for having preamps with high gain.  
Preamp for First Watt F7
Here ya go! https://avahifi.com/products/vision-rb-preamplifier