Responses from yogiboy
standby mode If your preamp has a DC leak it will cause that problem!! | |
My speaker upgrade journey - and a few questions @jc4659+1! | |
600 watt speakers @erik_squires @mlsstl Is that how you guys get your jollies off by giving a rookie an answer like that? Very strange! | |
Why "bookshelf" sspeakers? Bookshelf speakers is a term that was used 50 years ago. Many large speakers of that era including JBL , Advent, KLH, ADS, AR, etc. used that label for any speaker that could be placed on a shelf. Your 5Ts are called stand mount not bookshelf spea... | |
SX-500 250 watts will surely drive those speakers! | |
SX-500 And what is a SX-500? | |
Tube preamp match with Solid Stare amp @pennfootball71 What model VAC do you own? | |
Sonus Faber Electa Amator i or ii What price point is that? | |
Happy Holidays to All And a Merry Christmas to you!! | |
Speaker for 11x12 room BTW, you should post this on speaker topic. I'm sure you get many more responses! | |
Speaker for 11x12 room Harbeth P3ESR would be a nice fit! I've owned them and they were my favorite small stand mount speaker! | |
Recommend a non-polite sounding amp / integrated A Pass amp for under 3 grand? Where might you find that? | |
Happy Birthday Keith Richards. He aged better than his sidekick!! | |
Preamp Gain issues with high efficiency speakers 25 db of gain is way too much. If you don’t like using in line attenuators the only other option is a preamp with a lot less gain. BTW, CJ preamps are known for having preamps with high gain. | |
Preamp for First Watt F7 Here ya go! https://avahifi.com/products/vision-rb-preamplifier |