

Responses from yogiboy

Budget preamp recommendation...besides Schiit.
Van Alstine! https://avahifi.com/collections/preamplifiers  
Speaker and Cable Suggestions Please
For your size room don’t limit yourself to a speaker with 91db sensitivity. A Ls3/5a type speaker would be a good choice with that ARC amp and near field listening. Harbeth, Spendor, Falcon, ProAc, etc. make outstanding speakers in your price rang... 
Product: Sonus Faber Concertino Domus Bookshelf Speakers; w/ Stands
Next time check HIFI shark before you pull the trigger on anything that you want to purchase!    
Daisy Chaining- Yamaha S-701 and Mitsubishi DA10dc Amp/Mitsubishi Da-P20 Preamp
Take a look at page 9 in the owners manual! CONTROLS AND FUNCTIONS Rear panel 1 CD input jacks Used to connect a CD player (see page 9). 2 PHONO jacks and GND terminal Used to connect a turntable that uses an MM cartridge, and to ground the... 
Affordable SS that sound like Tubes
@newbee DITTO!  
Old stock power cords and SMTPs
C’mon man! Sodium trimetaphosphate (also STMP ), with formula Na 3 P 3 O 9, is one of the metaphosphates of sodium. It has the formula Na3P3O9 but the hexahydrate … Or does he mean SMPT? The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)   
Harbeth 30.2 or Falcon Gold Badge
I’ve owned many LS3/5a type speakers including Harbeth, Spendor, Falcon and KEF. I found 28 inch stands my preference. BTW, if you get 24 inch stands you can always raise the height!    
Midrange Increasingly Harsh
You might have tinnitus! What is tinnitus? Tinnitus (pronounced tih-NITE-us or TIN-uh-tus) is the perception of sound that does not have an external source, so other people cannot hear it. Tinnitus is commonly described as a ringing sound, but ... 
Need a new Class AB SS integrated...$2-3k due to hurricane
The Belles Aria or the Exposure 2510 should fit the bill. This dealer sells both! BTW, the AVA is nice but the preamp section is passive and if you need a remote it does not have one! https://generubinaudio.com/shop/ols/categories/amplifiers  
Audio / Stereo Rack
Two friends of mine have Timbernation racks and they like them. Be prepared to wait if you decide to purchase that brand!  
KT-77 vs. KT-66
  @bojack Those are different amps! M60 Mono Amplifier 60 watts Manufactured 1995-1998 Retail Price $1995/pair Download Instruction Manual   Sixty Watt Amplifier 25 Watts Manufactured 2019-2022 Retail Price $2995/pair Download I... 
Does someone’s opinion affect your opinion?
@ roxy54 On behalf of the Audiogon members it’s comforting to know that we have an official Audiogon spell checker. Thanks much!  
Does someone’s opinion affect your opinion?
Opinions are like a-holes; everybody has one!  
Anybody heard of Falcon Acoustics?
  @larryi That’s not true, Falcon has always sold factory direct. The LS3/5a was the only model that was sold non factory direct. MoFi sold the MoFi LS3/5a!  
Anybody heard of Falcon Acoustics?
The Falcons that you are looking for ( IMF 200) is sold factory direct only. Jerry Bloomfield is the owner. I have talked with him when I ordered Falcons . He will give you the total price including the shipping cost to your location. There is no ...