

Responses from yogiboy

The Snob Appeal Premium
Hi @ronboco I did not mean you!! "please list your system. Curious minds want to know."  
The Snob Appeal Premium
@ronboco "please list your system. Curious minds want to know." " A picture is worth a thousand words "  
Tube amp recommendations to drive Joseph Audio speakers
Check out these Quicksilver mono amps! http://quicksilveraudio.com/products/kt-mono-amplifier/  
The Snob Appeal Premium
@yesiam_a_pirate Here ya go! Canadian Craftsmanship It's incredibly difficult to produce loudspeakers that are of such substantial quality yet price them so competitively. Many other companies try to do so offshore. Bryston has managed to engine... 
The Snob Appeal Premium
C’mon man!  
There is no such thing. You will have to  make one! https://www.hobbylobby.com/Art-Supplies/Painting-Canvas-Art-Surfaces/Cork-Boards/Cork-Panel---24%22-x-36%22/p/25578  
Baffled by Pricing Strategy
FYI: Once you list on AudiogoN you can’t change the listing to a higher price. Lowering the price is fine. I don't how it works on other sites!  
Thoughts About Turntable Upgrades
The SOTA is armless so what arm are you going to use with the SOTA?  
For Chet Baker Fans (and all fans of great music)
 If you like Chet Baker this is a must.  I have this on vinyl!  
Cronus Magnum II and power switch
My friend had the same trouble with the power switch on the Rogue. Like mentioned above he used an external power strip to power on and off. You are lucky that it didn't fail in the off position!  
Best Receiver?
Cambridge Audio makes receivers! https://www.cambridgeaudio.com/usa/en/products/hi-fi/stereo-receiver  
Moving again...system finally complete...back to starting over
If you want to save some space the SUGEN A21SE includes a phono preamp. Since you like the Spendor sound the Classic 4/5 or any other LS3/5a type speaker like Harbeth, Falcon, Graham, etc. would fit nice in a smaller space!  
How Long Is Too Long?
Sutherland did not make a PSU. His first phono preamps were battery powered. It was called the PHD! https://www.theabsolutesound.com/articles/sutherland-ph3d-phonostage/ BTW, my friend has this Sutherland! There is a listing here for a used one!... 
How Long Is Too Long?
If you decide to get another phono preamp this Sutherland at $900.00 would be a nice fit with the cartridges you have. It’s made in USA and Ron has been making phono preamps for over 40 years. BTW, a good friend of mine owns a Sutheland and it sou... 
How Long Is Too Long?
I sent my Quicksilver phono preamp from Connecticut to California for repair. It took a total of two weeks . BTW, I was not the original owner and I was not charged except for my shipping cost one way. BTW, QS is a small company!