

Responses from yogiboy

List some of your favorite live Jazz recordings
Chet Baker Trio          
$300-$500 Cartridge for Thorens TD-1601 Turntable
You said you are looking for organic sound and that would be the Grado. The Grado would be a good match with the Thorens arm. My friend has the Opus 3 and he claims it is on par with his thousand dollar Dynavector mc! Here is a review! Grado Tim... 
$300-$500 Cartridge for Thorens TD-1601 Turntable
I would go with the Grado! FYI: You can't replace the stylus on those wood Grado's!  
Phono Preamp Recs under $200 for My System
Here ya go! https://www.musicdirect.com/equipment/phono-preamps/bellari-vp130-mk2-tube-phono-preamplifier-open-box/ There is a used one on Ebay for $150 bucks!  
Reliable source for 6550WE tube - Audio Research Ref 6
"Does anyone know if the 6550EH is compliant?" Yes they are!  
Lounge Audio
You should send this thread to Lounge Audio. That might get them off their butts and fix the preamp in a more reasonable amount time! Good Luck!  
Lounge Audio
  “It’s déjà vu all over again!”    
How tall do you like your images?
Moving magnet hum
@lewm The OP said his AT has a ground tab. All of the Shures that I have owned had a ground tab. Hence I quoted that from Shure. BTW, I have never seen a ground tab on any older Grados that I have owned!  
Perplexed on how single driver speakers can cover such a large Hz range
Here ya go!   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjQeoFTqggE Another review! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SklRKK18s4  
Quicksilver V4 tubes
Tung-Sol is the only manufacturer that makes the KT-150 and the KT-120. It will not be easy getting these or any other Russian made tubes. I have used the JJ KT88 tubes with my QS amps. Take a look and you will see that the Russian tubes are not a... 
Moving magnet hum
You fixed the problem! Is the headshell metal? Some installations may require the cartridge shield to be elec�trically isolated from the"RG" terminal. This can be achieved by removal of the ground tab.  
Floor standing speaker suggestions for McIntosh MXA70 (MHA150)
Why is solid state more popular when tubes are better?
You might find this article interesting! https://medium.com/collectors-weekly/could-an-old-school-tube-amp-make-the-music-you-love-sound-better-a35574739c45  
Which phono stage for Garrard 401 with Shure V15 lll cartridge
This Quicksilver should fit the bill. I own one!! http://quicksilveraudio.com/products/phono-preamp/ INPUT IMPEDANCE SELECTION The internal circuit board has a switch for imped�ance selection(47k or 10k) and a switch for capaci�tance selection(4...