Responses from yogiboy
List some of your favorite live Jazz recordings Chet Baker Trio | |
$300-$500 Cartridge for Thorens TD-1601 Turntable You said you are looking for organic sound and that would be the Grado. The Grado would be a good match with the Thorens arm. My friend has the Opus 3 and he claims it is on par with his thousand dollar Dynavector mc! Here is a review! Grado Tim... | |
$300-$500 Cartridge for Thorens TD-1601 Turntable I would go with the Grado! FYI: You can't replace the stylus on those wood Grado's! | |
Phono Preamp Recs under $200 for My System Here ya go! https://www.musicdirect.com/equipment/phono-preamps/bellari-vp130-mk2-tube-phono-preamplifier-open-box/ There is a used one on Ebay for $150 bucks! | |
Reliable source for 6550WE tube - Audio Research Ref 6 "Does anyone know if the 6550EH is compliant?" Yes they are! | |
Lounge Audio You should send this thread to Lounge Audio. That might get them off their butts and fix the preamp in a more reasonable amount time! Good Luck! | |
Lounge Audio “It’s déjà vu all over again!” | |
How tall do you like your images? Above! | |
Moving magnet hum @lewm The OP said his AT has a ground tab. All of the Shures that I have owned had a ground tab. Hence I quoted that from Shure. BTW, I have never seen a ground tab on any older Grados that I have owned! | |
Perplexed on how single driver speakers can cover such a large Hz range Here ya go! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjQeoFTqggE Another review! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SklRKK18s4 | |
Quicksilver V4 tubes Tung-Sol is the only manufacturer that makes the KT-150 and the KT-120. It will not be easy getting these or any other Russian made tubes. I have used the JJ KT88 tubes with my QS amps. Take a look and you will see that the Russian tubes are not a... | |
Moving magnet hum You fixed the problem! Is the headshell metal? Some installations may require the cartridge shield to be elec�trically isolated from the"RG" terminal. This can be achieved by removal of the ground tab. | |
Floor standing speaker suggestions for McIntosh MXA70 (MHA150) Budget? | |
Why is solid state more popular when tubes are better? You might find this article interesting! https://medium.com/collectors-weekly/could-an-old-school-tube-amp-make-the-music-you-love-sound-better-a35574739c45 | |
Which phono stage for Garrard 401 with Shure V15 lll cartridge This Quicksilver should fit the bill. I own one!! http://quicksilveraudio.com/products/phono-preamp/ INPUT IMPEDANCE SELECTION The internal circuit board has a switch for imped�ance selection(47k or 10k) and a switch for capaci�tance selection(4... |