Responses from yogiboy
Quad panel outlet - can I do one circuit on this? No problem. A 20 amp circuit is 2400 watts. What are you going to plug into the outlet? I doubt it would use more than 2400 watts! | |
Cables from amp to preamp or longer speaker cables… "would this long cable create any issues? No! | |
Cartridge check Here ya go! https://sound-smith.com/services/cartridge-rebuilding-retipping | |
Question on component impedance mismatch Attenuators is what you need. This Schiit SYS is what I use. It is a passive preamp! https://www.schiit.com/products/sys | |
Cronus Magnum II & Dual Subwoofers This is why! You would have to adjust the volume on the SVS instead of the Rogue. You would not want that. Would you? Fixed, invariable and unaffected by the volume control. It is most often used to feed a recorder of some sort. The variable ... | |
Cronus Magnum II & Dual Subwoofers You use the variable output from Rogue. You will need 2 Y-adapters. The left cable out from the Rogue will go into the input on the left SVS and vis versa for the right sub. A Y-adapter will be needed for both subs! You don't want to use the fixed... | |
Changes in my life, new system, need new speakers You might want to check out the Harbeth P3ESR. It is one my favorite stand mount type speakers . You can get a used pair for under 2 grand. BTW, I just pulled the trigger on the larger Harbeth HL5 and I will be listing the P3 soon! | |
Best Basic CD Player (no SACD, USB, etc.) This is all you need! No need to spend much for a basic CDP!! | |
Dynamic Speakers to match Luxman L-509X @fritzspeaks How dare you call my music boring. My fans would beg to differ! | |
Compact ~20WPC Tube Amp And another for the Quicksilver Horn Monos! | |
Your thoughts/experience with very good, cheap tuners? Nikko Gamma 1 is an excellent inexpensive tuner. I owned one years ago and you can get it real cheap! From FM tuner info! Nikko Gamma I (1977, $400, black w/matching amp, silver, service manual, schematic, Audio review) search eBay The Gamma I i... | |
Should I buy an SME 30/12A for 15K? @jasonbourne52 That’s not the 30/12A that the OP is asking about. Different table different arm! | |
Should I buy an SME 30/12A for 15K? At that price grab it! SME - SME Model 30/12A - includes Series V-12 tonearm $53,900.00 Please Order by Phone Toll Free 1-800-716-3553. Availability: Special Order Category: Turntables Label: Equipment Product No.: T SME30-12ARM SME-SME Mod... | |
Integrated amp recommendations for Harbeth 30.1 I’ve owned every Harbeth minus the M40. You might want to look at tube amplification. This Rogue Cronus Magnum is within your budget and includes the features that you are lookin’ for!! http://rogueaudio.com/Products_Cronus_Magnum.htm | |
Project Debut Carbon EVO vs. Technics SL-1500C vs Technics SL-1210GR I doubt you would go wrong with the 1500C! The auto lift is a nice feature. Here is a review! |