Responses from yogiboy
Help me spend $6000 Or just plain stupid! | |
Best Sound Track Ever Vote for One If you like Bluegrass music this soundtrack is outstanding! | |
Help me spend $6000 Am I missing something? Didn't the OP say he bought speakers? | |
Rogue pharaoh II or Cronus Magnum III ? Two different animals. The Magnum has a tube power amp and the Pharaoh has a class D solid state. Any of them should be fine with the L100 speakers. BTW, my friend uses the Rogue tube separates with 85db sensitive Harbeths and it sounds damn good! | |
Which pair of speakers changed your Hifi life? The Dahlquist DQ-10! I owned a pair many moons ago! | |
Which would you choose for good sounding tube preamp for an audiophile new to tubes. I’ve been using QS gear for years. That LS has a low output impedance and it will be fine with any amp. The gain is on the high side (18db). It is a no frills preamp with no balance or mono feature. If you don’t need those features then I doubt yo... | |
Power Cord suggestion(s) for Rogue Cronus Magnum III A good friend of mine raves about this Transparent Audio power cord! https://www.transparentcable.com/products/performance-power-cord | |
Help me spend $6000 "I really didn't say everything I said" | |
Help me spend $6000 It’s Déjà Vu All Over Again | |
What's better, one conductor or two conductors for an RCA interconnect? All cables have two conductors! RCA cables are coaxial cables, meaning that each cable has a positive conductor (inner) and a negative conductor (outer). | |
Anyone have (or had) a Belles VT-01 V1? Auto un-mute after warmup? Give him a call! https://powermodules.com/contact-us | |
Best speakers for a small room Any LS3/5A type ( sealed woofer ) should fit the bill! Harbeth, Spendor, Falcon, Stirling, etc., etc., all make them! | |
Rouge Audio Alauda XS1200DM Amplifier Praise the lord and pass the ammunition! The official AudiogoN spellchecker has been corrected! | |
what’s a song cover that you think is better than the original? The Della Mae cover of the Stones No Expectations! https://mozaart.com/en/t/no-expectations-della-mae | |
Wanted: integrated amp, phono stage, headphone output, American made The MA5200 is not an option. It is not in production anymore! |