

Responses from yogiboy

Wanted: integrated amp, phono stage, headphone output, American made
That Mac has a phono stage!   
Wanted: integrated amp, phono stage, headphone output, American made
Here ya go! McIntosh MA5300 Stereo integrated amplifier with built-in DAC at Crutchfield  
Help me choose speakers
The Spendor A1 should fit the bill. Sealed with no ports. I owned them a few years ago and there is no placement problem !   Here is a review!! https://theaudiophileman.com/spendor-a1/    
SUT for EAR 834p?
"Or a high quality MM?" Yes!  
Why do hipsters prefer analog?
Here ya go!  
low bass response
Try reversing the polarity on both speakers and see if that improves the bass!  
New here and saying HI!
Welcome aboard. There are many knowledgeable people here. Just avoid the same ones that come here to talk politics instead of audio!😎  
Tonearm / Cartridge Compatibility
This calculator will give you an idea of how the cartridge and arm will be compatible! http://www.mh-audio.nl/Calculators/RF.html  
McIntosh LB200?
Welcome to the McIntosh family of goodies of must have items!  
Best integrated tube amp for 1500?
@macg19 You never know . He might be a slow shopper. Real slow!!  
Best integrated tube amp for 1500?
@ macg19 I hope after 20 years that guy found an amp!!  
Speakers known for great midrange.
That’s shocking !  
Speakers known for great midrange.
"I hear the Harbeth quality control can be hit or miss." And where did you hear that from? Do tell!  
Dynaudio - Made in China vs Denmark
Here ya go!    
Dynaudio - Made in China vs Denmark
Many companies are doing the same thing. They are using cheap labor and charging the same prices as they did before going to the cheaper labor countries! I would sure be pissed off too!