

Responses from yogiboy

Why Is Hi Fi Gear So Darn Expensive?
@dayglow I wonder what those Aerials would cost if they were made in the USA?  
Sumiko Songbird (High Output)/Music Hall MMF-5
Just replace the stylus on the Goldring! http://www.lpgear.com/product/GLDD012GX.html    
Rogue Hybrid Integrated fine, then one channel silent
Another fine comment from our friendly troll!  
If my Kenwood KD decks can't be repaired?
@deep_south I think a used Technics SL-1200 would be a nice choice. It is a manual with no auto features!  
If my Kenwood KD decks can't be repaired?
@russ69  The British always called turntables a deck! Linn Sondek LP12 - House of Linn Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins Linn’s brand new Krane tonearm and Adikt moving magnet cartridge complete the deck. Linn's newly designed Krane ton... 
Rogue Hybrid Integrated fine, then one channel silent
It’s the tube. Those GE tubes are over 50 years old. If you want to verify that it is the tube just swap the left and right tube and see if the problem moves to the left channel!!  
Adapter for Headphones
The yellow is for video. All you need to hook up is the red and white for sound! BTW, you might only need a miniplug adapter to use headphones on the new TV! https://www.howtogeek.com/215222/how-to-use-headphones-with-your-tv/    
Need Recommendations for a pair of Speakers around $1,000
These should fit the bill! 60 day return policy always helps! https://www.crutchfield.com/S-pfICsP6J1wD/p_109SA190AM/JBL-Stage-A190.html    
Need some suggestions for a desktop amp.
This should fit the bill. You can return it if you don't like it! https://www.audioadvisor.com/prodinfo.asp?number=ABMONE    
Your short speaker cable experiences
I have used 4 and 15 feet of the same speaker cable and it did not make a difference in my system!!  
Mitsubishi LT-30 linear tracking tonearm question
You can get one of these at any hardware store! https://www.amazon.com/Stainlesstown-Bolt-Thread-Gauge-Blue/dp/B00XUUGKTC/ref=asc_df_B00XUUGKTC?tag=bingshoppinga-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=80058242182177&hvnetw=o&hvqmt=e&hvbmt=b... 
Warm Tube Amp(s) to Tame Hyper-Accurate Speakers?
I hate to burst your bubble but I doubt anything is going to change those Spendors. I have owned many Spendors and they never had an aggressive high end. I would say that the newer D type Spendors are the problem that you describe. I think you wil... 
Marantz TT15/ Clearaudio Satisfy for MC carts?
"But I would still like to gather opinions to see if the Satisfy arm will also play well with MC cartridges. " Like with any tonearm and cartridge whether it is a mc or mm it is the mass of the arm and cartridge compliance that is the factor for ... 
non-high end collectables, radios..etc.
I own four tabletop radios from the late thirties. It’s amazing that these 80+ year old radios still work fine. And they all have the original tubes! If you take a gander at my system you will see my favorite which is  black dial Zenith circa 1938!  
Excessive gain with a Belles preamp
This Schiit SYS will fix that problem! https://www.schiit.com/products/sys