

Responses from yogiboy

Pass Labs INT-25 or equivalent in another brand
Sugden Audio is a true class A amp. https://www.sugdenaudio.com/a21-series    
The best phono cartridge alignment tool
Here ya go! And the price is right! https://www.amazon.com/Axiom-Turntable-Cartridge-Alignment-Protractor/dp/B09LJ1GL3Z    
Sad to say I need a new amp…
@larry5729 This is why some prefer tubes. There is not anymore maintenance on a tube amp and a solid state amp. Tubes last a lot longer than you might think!! Could an Old-School Tube Amp Make the Music You Love Sound Better?    
Russian tube supply issues
Here ya go!    
90% loss of one speaker volume.
Here ya go! https://ohmspeaker.com/legacy-products/wash-5-mk-2/    
Buying used vs new speakers from a technology perspective
The panic selling of tube audio had begun.
Here ya go! http://temporarymaintenance.thetubestore.com/?whence=  
SME 309 or SME 3009r?
@pesky_wabbit What arm are you using?  
SME 309 or SME 3009r?
I own a 309. It is an outstanding arm. Better than many of the arms that I have owned before I changed to that arm!  
Recommended Amp for Dynaudio Focus 340 on a mega budget but low volume levels
This Croft would be a good fit! http://croftacoustics.co.uk/main.html  
Best MC Cartridge Pairing for Technics SL-1210 GAE?
My friend uses this Dynavector with his Technics Sl-1210 GR and it is an outstanding match. His speakers are the Harbeth m30.1s. BTW, Grado is not a moving coil! https://www.musicdirect.com/phono-cartridges/dynavector-20x2-l-mc-phono-cartridge ... 
Speakers with a slightly warm midrange
Yes! You should have Spendor dealers in your neck of the woods!  
Speakers with a slightly warm midrange
Spendor Classic! https://spendoraudio.com/classic-loudspeakers/  
Marantz receiver questions
Yes! Or spades!  
Marantz receiver questions
What kind of speaker connectors are on the cable? I don’t think replacing the PM 7001 with a PM 8006 is worth the investment!