Responses from yogiboy
Tube integrated amps -- new Value Leaders? Here ya go!! SLI-80HS Integrated Amplifier | Cary Audio | |
Looking for speakers that are less placement-sensitive. Here ya go! | |
Can I please borrow your collective brain power? Those tubes are Driver/Input tubes. A separate power amp also has Driver/Input tubes. The bottom line is you need those tubes. | |
Best AMP for GE Triton Reference Speakers It could be that you don’t need a change of amplification. Did you ever consider changing your speakers to another type? | |
Best AMP for GE Triton Reference Speakers What amp are you now using with those speakers? | |
Turntables that are still made in Japan? Here ya go! Not made in Japan anymore! https://www.usatubeaudio.com/technics-goes-malaysia/ | |
Speaker upgrade recomendations Rock out with these!! Amazon.com: Cerwin-Vega XLS-215 Dual 15" 3-Way Home Audio Floor Tower Speaker : Everything Else | |
line level crossover for subwoofer This HSU high pass filter worked fine for me when I used a subwoofer without a high pass filter option! https://www.hsuresearch.com/products/high-pass-filter.html | |
Looking for an old Stereophile review ... Here ya go! Every speaker that has been reviewed by Stereophile! Have fun finding it! https://www.stereophile.com/category/floor-loudspeaker-reviews | |
Your Favorite Christmas Song-One only Please- @ thecarpathian Bobtail! | |
Your Favorite Christmas Song-One only Please- Frank Sinatra- I’ll be home for Christmas!! | |
NAD C316BEE V2/Subwoofer dilemma… Read the instruction manual! | |
NAD C316BEE V2/Subwoofer dilemma… That SVS has speaker level inputs so there is no problem hooking it up ! | |
anybody else dump their Kef LS50 Wireless II? I wonder why there are so many for sale? And look at the amount that have been sold! https://www.hifishark.com/model/kef-ls-50 | |
What Newer Brands Will Rise to Industry Mainstays? Fyne speakers seem to be getting positive feedback from reviewers and owners .It looks like they will be around for a long time! https://www.fyneaudio.com/ |