

Responses from yogiboy

Do you spend more time analyzing the sound of your system, worrying it could be better?
Need advice: Hegel V10 phono stage and Sumiko Blue No.2
According to the manual there are 4 gain settings for mm cartridges. Just set to higher gain! BTW, a high output moving coil should be the same settings as a  mm!  
What to play in the evening?
Ma and Pa love a good game of Checkers before bedtime!!  
Speaker Recommendation Help Please.
You should check out ATC. Sealed system that can be placed close to rear wall . Here is a dealer up in your neck of the woods!!   http://www.economik.com/products/shop-by-brand/atc-loudspeakers/    
I want to move from Rega Planar 6 help me to pick a new turntable
I told ya, at that price you can’t beat that Technics. Set it forget it and enjoy it!  
Burning in question
You don’t need a load on solid state amps!  
I want to move from Rega Planar 6 help me to pick a new turntable
I doubt that you would go wrong with the Technics SL-1200 GR. My friend has that table in black (SL-1210 GR). The arm is decent and it has all the adjustments that you would ever need!  
Tone arm plug in RCA cable?
Get a DIN to RCA and forget about the Sumiko box! https://www.bluejeanscable.com/store/audio/index.htm  
Montreal Audio Show - anyone hear the FR30’s?
I give up! What is a FR30?  
When a speaker does not sound right, how do you know which part is wrong?
Swap each driver one at a time to the working speaker. That will verify which driver is the culprit. If the drivers are good then you will know that it is the xover!  
Anti-skate problem with Rega RB303 tonearm
Here ya go! If  this doesn't work there is something wrong with the tonearm anti-skate mechanism!    
Interesting comment on Bose Speakers.....
The only thing that matters is that you like those speakers. Not what others think about them. BTW, I have never listened to a Bose!    
Are Harbeth the only warm and euphonic speakers in town ?
If you want a warm sounding bookshelf speaker the Spendor A1 or 4/5 should fit the bill. The Harbeth P3ESR is a tad brighter ( metal tweeter ). I have owned all of them. I like a brighter speaker and the Harbeths are the ones that I prefer. It’s a... 
Spendor A7 in a 9X11 Room?
In your system profile you have them in a 10x10 size room. Not much of a difference!  
SS preamp suggestion with built-in phono section
Here ya go!   https://www.hifichoice.com/content/belles-aria