

Responses from yogiboy

Upgrading my system
I doubt you would go wrong with the Harbeth. It is my favorite of all of the many LS3/5A type speakers that I have owned. This guy likes them as much as I do!!    
Is advice from a constant upgrader to be avoided
@surfcat Ditto!!  
Tube integrated amp recommendations
Here ya go! https://www.caryaudio.com/products/sli-80hs/    
Tube integrated amp recommendations
This Cary SLI-80HS has all the features that you are looking for in an integrated tube amp. BTW, I own Quicksilver separates but the integrated is pure bare bones. No sub or headphone options! Another plus for the Cary is that you can use many dif... 
Thank you Veterans!
Great song to test bass
 One of mine is Illinois Jacquet playing the Bassoon on Round Midnight from the album The BLUES; THAT’S ME! https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=Illinois+Jacquet+Basoon+Fagott+YouTube&&view=detail&... 
Is this a New Game being played now?
I don’t find that a problem. If someone is looking for a certain item they go on HIFI Shark and locate it on Audiogon. They then register on Audiogon and make an offer. The best sales that I have made were from new members. What difference does it... 
Tube Amp, Preamp upgrades -- what did you do that improved your units?
Do you know what brand caps Mike uses? All the caps in my Quicksilver gear are labeled Quicksilver ( some made in France ). You might be spinnin’ your wheels changing out the caps. You should give Mike a call and ask him what brand he puts in his ... 
Component grounding
Yes. It’s the same ground as the chassis ground! 
Is pre-out the same ?
That is correct! No other requirements needed! 
I did the right thing after all.
Pay no mind to all the killjoys on this site. If you notice most of them never post their systems because they most likely are still using that old YORX all in one that was given to them at their high school graduation gift from ma and pa.You shou... 
That Other Audiophile Website
@ tubebuffer You best get this guy on the case! https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=5%2feoLOXY&id=53D001B78EC5429E64C0ECF6... 
What Monitors would you pick for my new office (bookshelf) >>
I have never owned a Fritz. I have owned many Spendors and Harbeths and the fit and finish are first class on both. But IMHO, the nod ( by a hair ) would have to go with the Harbeth. The Spendor is a grand less ! 
What Monitors would you pick for my new office (bookshelf) >>
The Harbeth P3ESR would be a nice fit. The Spendor A1 and Classic 4/5 would also go nice in a bookshelf. These speakers ( LS3/5A type) have a sealed woofer. The Spendors are about a grand less than the Harbeths and are a warmer sounding speaker an... 
Is it Possible??
What speakers are you using?