Responses from yogiboy
Tonearm effective mass The calculation charts are very useful at getting a ballpark figure before you purchase a cartridge. A test record is great ( I have one ) but you would be using it after you made the purchase. If you have to remove mass then you will be SOOL!! | |
Tonearm effective mass This article explains arm and cartridge compatibility! | |
Tonearm effective mass The AT-ART 9xa shows a weight of 8.5 grams and compliance of 20x10-6 at 100hz. The Umani Red does not give a compliance spec. BTW, Japanese cartridges compliance figures are not at 10hz they are at 100hz so you will have to multiply by 1.7 to get ... | |
FM Tuners They all made basic FM tuners. Take look on Ebay and you will see over a thousand listings for FM tuners! | |
FM Tuners Tuners do not have an amp. You can use a basic tuner directly plugged into a power amp. Just make sure you have a way to adjust the volume! | |
FM Tuners I still enjoy using a tuner. There are many outstanding vintage FM tuners that you can get . The Japanese tuners from the seventies were tops. I have owned many tuners. Kenwood, Sansui, Luxman, Pioneer and many other brands can be had for a song. ... | |
Tonearm effective mass Here ya go! http://www.mh-audio.nl/Calculators/RF.html | |
cost of trade in dynevactor karat D17DX My friend just traded in a $2000.00 XX-2. The dealer gave him $500.00 off . I think that 50% is wishful thinking! | |
Gratitude and Thanksgiving And a Happy Thanksgiving to everyone !!!!!!!! | |
Speakers for Hegel H95 that could use its full potential. Harbeth should be another speaker you should add to your list!! FWIW, Harbeth designer Alan Shaw has a high regard for Hegel. H360 and H390 are among the amps he uses in his lab, and he has used Hegel to demo Harbeth at audio shows. | |
Bought the wrong subwoofer! @larry5729 Because he didn’t buy it from a dealer. Read the thread! | |
Belles Aria Signature and other Int Amp recommendation This Exposure 3510 might be worth looking into. Gene Rubin sells Exposure and Belles. You should give him a call and ask his opinion on both brands! https://generubinaudio.com/shop/ols/products/exposure-3510-integrated-amplifier https://exposu... | |
Forum Updates 11/24/2021 Thanks much! Have a Happy Thanksgiving! 😘😍 😅🤩 | |
Sexiest New 'Vintage'-Style Integrated/Amp/Receiver Luxman!! http://www.luxman.com/product/#vacuum | |
Moving away from inefficient/low impedance speaker in order to move to a Tube Amp I have Harbeth C7's, which are a very nice speaker....but I'm not willing to spend the money on a high quality 100 watt tube amp. How much do you want to spend? What preamp are you using? |