

Responses from yogiboy

How are you checking tonearm level?
A Headshell level! Amazon.com: AMPSEVEN Azimuth Bubble Level Gauge for LP Turntable Headshell Tonearm Cartridge: Home Audio & Theater 
Considering an integrated
Luxman integrated amps include a phono section!http://www.luxman.com/product/#integrated 
What is the difference between EL34 A,B,C, or PH tubes.
You can use any type of EL34 !https://tubedepot.com/products/sino-el34-b-power-vacuum-tube 
An Objective Review of the Tekton Double Impact Speakers
@philbaroneHere ya go!!https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=marathon+man+car+crash&ao=1&qs=SW&cvid=9a3df29250bc... 
Harbeth 30.1, 30.2, XD
+1 smrex13! 
Magnepan MMGs Crackle Sound
If you hear the same in your office system then the problem is not the MMGs! 
What is the best amplifier pairing for Monitor Audio Bronze 500 speakers?
The Yamaha has all the features you need including phono section. 100 watts is fine with the 90 db sensitive MA speakers. Crutchfield has a money back return policy incase you don’t find it better the Denon AVR. It is within your budget of less th... 
Tube Flavor
What tubes are you now using? 
Vandersteen Treo CT or Proac D48R
I never heard the Treo so I can’t comment on them. My friend has the D48R and I will say it is one of the best sounding speakers that I have listened to! BTW, Audio Connection in New Jersey sells both brands. You can give John R a call and I am su... 
What is the best amplifier pairing for Monitor Audio Bronze 500 speakers?
This 100 watt Yamaha should be a nice fit with those speakers!https://www.crutchfield.com/p_022AS701B/Yamaha-A-S701-Black.html 
Raven Blackhawk LE... am I going to be disappointed?
@lowrider57How does one rave about an amp that he never owned? Am I missing something? 
Would like to upgrade amplifier and would appreciate suggestions.
Speaker efficiency has nothing to do with the quality of sound. If you think getting a high efficient speaker is the answer you will probably end up disappointed. Those 170 watt QS amps are most likely better than some of those other amps you are ... 
Cut lower frequency to help my bookshelf speakers
This is from the SVS SB-1000 owners manual. Using the high pass filter should give you the best results! Line Level Inputs These inputs are used for line level connections to the subwoofer. For a single mono connection to an A/V receiver, use th... 
Beginner looking for guidance into tube sound.
You can try a tube preamp. This Van Alstine would be worth a try. You can return it with a full refund if it is not to your liking!https://avahifi.com/collections/preamplifiers/products/transcendence-10-rb-preamplifier 
Beginner looking for guidance into tube sound.
Here ya go!https://medium.com/collectors-weekly/could-an-old-school-tube-amp-make-the-music-you-love-sound-bett...