

Responses from yogiboy

AR9LS Speakers - a good buy at $1k
Acoustic Research was a top of the line speaker. The company folded many years ago. The AR9 is a 40 year old speaker. IMO, you should save that $1K and buy a newer speaker. Here is the information on the AR9! https://www.hifiengine.com/manual_libr... 
Anyone else enjoy putting together Frankenstein low to mid-fi -systems?
@millercarbonHere ya go! https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=bride+of+frankinstein+it%27s+alive&docid=608005440370664676... 
Using a sub with no sub out on my amp
This one should fit the bill!https://www.parts-express.com/Dayton-Audio-SUB-1000-10-100-Watt-Powered-Subwoofer-300-628Or this! Dayton Audio SUB-1200 12" 120 Watt Powered Subwoofer (parts-express.com)  
Poor quality control crooked driver
+1 erik_squires! 
Measuring VTF with electronic gauge....
Straight on platter! 
Bookshelf/Small Speakers
Any LS3/5A type speaker including Harbeth, Spendor, Falcon, Stirling, etc., should fit the bill. I have owned many of that type of speaker and the Harbeth is my keeper. There are many positive reviews and this guy is right on describing the P3!htt... 
Excellent Speakers for Classical Music - $2,000 USD Budget
" I’ve heard Harbeth is great, but I had to chance to hear them in Japan and they were too warm for my taste."If you found the Harbeth is a warm sounding speaker, a Spendor would sure not be the speaker for you! I have owned many of both brands an... 
Complete Proprietary Systems
REGA does it all!https://www.rega.co.uk/ 
Clearaudio Concept Cartridge Replacement
The tonearm on that table has an effective mass of 8 grams. A Grado would be a nice fit! This is a nice tool to find cartridge and arm compatibility!http://www.mh-audio.nl/Calculators/RF.html 
Excellent Speakers for Classical Music - $2,000 USD Budget
There is a pair of the Spendor S8e listed here for $1395.00. The dealer is Gene Rubin and he is located in Ventura CA. I have owned those speakers and I would recommend them without hesitation. Since you are going on vacation in CA you might want ... 
Tube vendors.
I use Tube Depot. Very knowledgeable sales force and to boot they sell great BBQ sauce! https://tubedepot.com/ 
How to fix my preamp dilemma
Why not buy a new Zpre3? In the long run you would be better off with something new!https://www.crutchfield.com/S-gkJ8ITkoI0t/p_313ZPRE3/Parasound-Zpre3.html?awcr=77034681707577&aw...= 
Accuphase C-200, X, L, V What is the difference?
It was a very nice preamp with an abundant amount of features. It’s been 40 + years and I have owned a numerous amount of gear since then. I use all tube gear now! BTW, I also owned the matching P-300 power amp! 
Accuphase C-200, X, L, V What is the difference?
The Accuphase museum might have that information. I owned the C-200 many moons ago!https://www.accuphase.com/history.html 
How are you checking tonearm level?
A Headshell level! Amazon.com: AMPSEVEN Azimuth Bubble Level Gauge for LP Turntable Headshell Tonearm Cartridge: Home Audio & Theater