Responses from yogiboy
AR9LS Speakers - a good buy at $1k Acoustic Research was a top of the line speaker. The company folded many years ago. The AR9 is a 40 year old speaker. IMO, you should save that $1K and buy a newer speaker. Here is the information on the AR9! https://www.hifiengine.com/manual_libr... | |
Anyone else enjoy putting together Frankenstein low to mid-fi -systems? @millercarbonHere ya go! https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=bride+of+frankinstein+it%27s+alive&docid=608005440370664676... | |
Using a sub with no sub out on my amp This one should fit the bill!https://www.parts-express.com/Dayton-Audio-SUB-1000-10-100-Watt-Powered-Subwoofer-300-628Or this! Dayton Audio SUB-1200 12" 120 Watt Powered Subwoofer (parts-express.com) | |
Poor quality control crooked driver +1 erik_squires! | |
Measuring VTF with electronic gauge.... Straight on platter! | |
Bookshelf/Small Speakers Any LS3/5A type speaker including Harbeth, Spendor, Falcon, Stirling, etc., should fit the bill. I have owned many of that type of speaker and the Harbeth is my keeper. There are many positive reviews and this guy is right on describing the P3!htt... | |
Excellent Speakers for Classical Music - $2,000 USD Budget " I’ve heard Harbeth is great, but I had to chance to hear them in Japan and they were too warm for my taste."If you found the Harbeth is a warm sounding speaker, a Spendor would sure not be the speaker for you! I have owned many of both brands an... | |
Complete Proprietary Systems REGA does it all!https://www.rega.co.uk/ | |
Clearaudio Concept Cartridge Replacement The tonearm on that table has an effective mass of 8 grams. A Grado would be a nice fit! This is a nice tool to find cartridge and arm compatibility!http://www.mh-audio.nl/Calculators/RF.html | |
Excellent Speakers for Classical Music - $2,000 USD Budget There is a pair of the Spendor S8e listed here for $1395.00. The dealer is Gene Rubin and he is located in Ventura CA. I have owned those speakers and I would recommend them without hesitation. Since you are going on vacation in CA you might want ... | |
Tube vendors. I use Tube Depot. Very knowledgeable sales force and to boot they sell great BBQ sauce! https://tubedepot.com/ | |
How to fix my preamp dilemma Why not buy a new Zpre3? In the long run you would be better off with something new!https://www.crutchfield.com/S-gkJ8ITkoI0t/p_313ZPRE3/Parasound-Zpre3.html?awcr=77034681707577&aw...= | |
Accuphase C-200, X, L, V What is the difference? It was a very nice preamp with an abundant amount of features. It’s been 40 + years and I have owned a numerous amount of gear since then. I use all tube gear now! BTW, I also owned the matching P-300 power amp! | |
Accuphase C-200, X, L, V What is the difference? The Accuphase museum might have that information. I owned the C-200 many moons ago!https://www.accuphase.com/history.html | |
How are you checking tonearm level? A Headshell level! Amazon.com: AMPSEVEN Azimuth Bubble Level Gauge for LP Turntable Headshell Tonearm Cartridge: Home Audio & Theater |