
Responses from zaikesman

How do you get the "real" feel of music?
Not that I'm here to just slam Klipsch or shill B&W, Bob B., but I have to disagree about your assessment of the 801's dymanic capabilities. First, let me say that I am a big promoter of the idea of higher speaker sensitivity, and would not pe... 
Will I benifit form a external phono stage
I agree with Twl that being able to optimize the cart loading will be of huge benefit. I recently got a Camelot Lancelot phonostage to replace the tubed internal one in my C-J PV-8 preamp. I am using the B-M Glider MO v.2, and found that it perfor... 
Qualitative test of Auric Illuminator
All very interesting. I can't say I'm really ready to believe all of it, but then again I've never tried this (and to be perfectly honest, probably won't). But I do have one question: By what mechanism could this supposed treatment increase the pl... 
What is the range of human hearing?
The perceived differences correlated with system response characteristics occuring beyond the nominal range of human hearing are almost certainly caused (if real) by their effect on the in-band spectrum. This would presumably entail the effects of... 
Is Audiogon worth it?
Try it, you'll like it. 
Will Cosmetic Surgery Alter My Hearing?
I am no expert qualified to answer authoritatively (you know who to ask for that), but I would say yes, a simple physical experiment anyone can do with their own ears will easily show that any change in the shape or immediate environment of the ou... 
How do you get the "real" feel of music?
Sorry to condradict you Pe3046, but long ago, in a stereo system far, far away, I used to own a pair of KG4's. They were the most hopelessly colored speakers I have ever had to depend upon for my daily listening. Just all kinds of spurious artifac... 
My highest praise - for Audiogon
I don't even want to know what Aroc does for a living... Aroc, do realize that a "wallflower" is someone who chooses not to participate? That hardly describes a person who "just loves to bid and bid", as you put it...No one here ever said that sni... 
My highest praise - for Audiogon
...which is why baseball is still the game of goes until somebody wins...a lot like this thread... 
Upsampling the way to go? ?
No, Sean T. - pedantic is *all* I'm being! Sorry if my writing seems obscure, it's not deliberate. I just tend to write densely (or is it that I'm just a dense writer?!).Or could it be that maybe you're just not closely reading my posts (certainly... 
My highest praise - for Audiogon
Right, Ivan, just like auctions are. And if it's too hard to display good "gamesmanship" when you lose, better stay off the field! :-) 
Upsampling the way to go? ?
Sean T., sorry to second-guess, but your first sentence strikes me as being just a *little* bit confused itself! :-) Tim and I don't disagree about what upsampling is (as opposed to increasing word length), we are just, again, a *little* confused ... 
How do you get the "real" feel of music?
No: In reality, there is no hope at all of getting the "real" feel of live music through your - or my - or even HP's - stereo system. But much as you may not want to hear it, I think you already know that you could come *a lot* closer with gear ot... 
Upsampling the way to go? ?
Not to prolong the point, Tim, but why would an interpolation process be needed to generate an extra 8 bits of *random* dither? As I understand it, this dither acts as sort of a "digital bias", and is not related to the actual signal. I think the ... 
My highest praise - for Audiogon
BTW, I didn't mean to give the impression that I disapprove of the OT system that Audiogon has implemented (although I must admit that I didn't even know about it prior to reading this thread - thanks, Trelja!) - just that I don't agree with vilif...