
Responses from zd542

Audiophile Fuses
"If this power cord sounded better on your preamp would you feel safe using it?"Yes, I would feel safe using it because I didn't fool with the fuses in my preamp. 
Audiophile Fuses
Why is it that when a regular fuse blows, people are concerned about their gear being damaged, but when an audiophile fuse blows, something is wrong with the fuse itself? 
"narrow" amp/blocks options For Bel Canto+Neat
Channel Island mono's may be worth looking into. 
Powering Acoustic Zen Adagios
I had a 250a. As long as you don't have bright sounding components, it should sound OK. 
Advice needed in Spain
You can probably get a Scout, Dynavector P-75 and a Dynavector DV20 low output. That setup will do everything well, and you don't have to worry about a mismatch with the cart and phono pre. 
Sunfire Classic Tube Preamp or ARC SP14?
You can't predict how a component will sound by looking at generic features. There's nothing that says a solid state preamp can't image, and also have less "warmth" than SS. "There are many other choices out there but I'm wary of trying smaller co... 
New Rotel RA-1570 seems to display the highs
You don't have too much power. If anything, the problem is more likely get worse if you downgrade. Are you sure its broken in? 
Audiophile Fuses
How do you the fuse isn't just doing its job? Maybe there's a problem elsewhere. 
Looking for new DAC: one box or two?
"08-16-15: ArshThanks Coli. This is getting confusing. Are you suggesting that my old TriVista would still be competitive with today's DACs? I guess the only way for me to know is an A-B comparison in my system. But I had assumed that new ones wou... 
Is this a good leveling tool?
Assuming the platter is to specs, it shouldn't matter what level you use. The only difference would be that if you use a straight bubble level, you just need take 2 non parallel measurements. (90 degrees rotation is easiest.) It doesn't matter if ... 
I'm looking for good analog interconnects
Copper AQ overall, usually doesn't lean towards brightness. Not saying it can't happen, but I wouldn't rule out other possibilities. If you know someone who has DBS cables, see if you can borrow them. I use them on my TT setup and find that they t... 
Looking for pre with 2 volume controls.
Audible Illusions 
Looking for new DAC: one box or two?
"08-13-15: ArshThanks. To some extent my question relates to the relative importance of the transport and the pros/cons of having the transport and DAC together or separate."Everything is important. But there's really no "better" configuration. Th... 
Esoteric K-03 X - mechanical problems w tray
I don't see why the dealer wouldn't resolve the issue. They have nothing to gain by not taking care of this. They're just going to send the unit back to Esoteric, or an authorized repair center, to be fixed or replaced. Its under full warranty and... 
$10K budget. Help
My house looks like an audio store.