14 ohm 7” midrange driver

I am searching for a ProAc Response 3.8 midrange driver replacement.

I tried ProAc, Seas and Madisound, no luck.  
Does anyone have a suggestion on sourcing a replacement? 

Thanks in advance,


Well, that’s weird. Based on the stereophile measurements I’d have guessed it was a Scanspeak 8 ohm unit.  I see it listed in some places as the Scanspeak 8535.

PS - Saw another picture saying that the Scanspeak 8535 actually measures 14 Ohms at DC.

No drive vender I know of rates their woofers at DC so that’s probably why you are having the discrepancy.  In all other worlds, the 8535 is an 8 Ohm driver.

The driver has a 14 obm label on it and ProAc said they don’t have any anymore.

Does anyone have creative ideas that will allow me to not recycle these speakers?

I briefly considered an in line circuit to bump up the impedance but causes issues with power and sound quality, from what i’ve read.

Talk to Masisound and ask them if they'll measure the DC resistance of an 8535.

I was just looking at the same for my ProAc Studio 200s.

Don't see my 6 1/2" mid-woofers, as they are also marked as 14 ohm.

Did you find if the 8 ohm were correct for your Response 3.8s?

The other option I was going to look in to was Millersound in Pennsylvania.

It looks like they may be able to rebuild drivers....from re-cone to re-wire voice coil maybe?


If you are handy with a soldering iron and software, use REW wizard to properly measure the driver impedance.  Otherwise get DATS V3

It drives me nuts to see people spending weeks on a problem the right tool could solve immediately.

I was fortunate to find a guy who could repair mine. 
He did great work and there is no inconsistency between the left & right speaker.

The speakers are still working today , quality work.

Outlier Audio, 773-844-1983

As I recall, I was not able to source replacement drivers and I reached out to a number of places.  

Also....I have seen that the drivers are "custom" also.....vs, the Scanspeak standard model.

But that could just be the printing of ProAc on the dust cap. LOL