Well, that’s weird. Based on the stereophile measurements I’d have guessed it was a Scanspeak 8 ohm unit. I see it listed in some places as the Scanspeak 8535.
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The tweets/mid-woofers are special/custom per the Stereophile review. https://www.stereophile.com/floorloudspeakers/297/index.html
DeKay |
I was just looking at the same for my ProAc Studio 200s. Don't see my 6 1/2" mid-woofers, as they are also marked as 14 ohm. Did you find if the 8 ohm were correct for your Response 3.8s? The other option I was going to look in to was Millersound in Pennsylvania. It looks like they may be able to rebuild drivers....from re-cone to re-wire voice coil maybe? |
@foeraus If you are handy with a soldering iron and software, use REW wizard to properly measure the driver impedance. Otherwise get DATS V3. It drives me nuts to see people spending weeks on a problem the right tool could solve immediately. |