A phenomenal new CD transport-Pro-Ject CD Box RS2 transport

I have had in-house for the last week Pro-Ject's new CD Box RS2 transport to review for the website Stereo Times. I was very curious to assess its performance because it uses the Pro 8 drive with the Blue Tiger CD-84 servo card. This drive was developed and built by StreamUnlimited a company started by the original Phillips designers that historically built the finest CD mechanisms. Only two other companies use the StreamUnlimited 8 drive and Blue Tiger CD-84 servo card, their pieces cost $16,000 and $39,000 compared to Pro-Ject's sane price of $3,000!

My reference for the last two years has been the excellent Jay's Audio MK-II transport that had out-performed much more expensive highly regarded transports in my system. Well, across every sonic parameter  (transparency/micro-details-overall dynamics/bottom-end extension/purity of tonality- a much more airy sound-stage with wonderful 3D imaging) compared to the Jay's Audio transport.

That's way I titled this thread a "phenomenal new CD transport" because while not inexpensive, it just might be a bargain based on its performance. Mind you, this superlative level of performance is based on using the switching power supply that Pro-Ject ships the transport with. I have shortly coming a custom 20 watt 3 amp linear power supply from Linear Tube Audio and Pro-Ject's own upgraded power supply to see if the RS2 transport performance will even go to a higher qualitative level of performance.

I'll be writing a full detailed review for Stereo Times in the near future. However, I wanted to share this information to GON members who still spin CDs. I have had numerous CD transports in for evaluation and this just might be the best sounding of all of them.

Teajay (Terry London)

I have used an assortment of devices under my components and roller blocks, Iso Acoustics Orea have been my favorite until I tried Star Sound Technologies Audio Points with their new inverted coupling...

The best i have heard so far with a more natural harmonic sound signature and all of my components are outfitted with AP.
I use the Star Sound Apprentice component stands and they are superb. 
well I just received my pro-ject audio linear power supply the uni 4 way today . been playing all afternoon the power supply runs very cool to the
touch after 4 hour of playing. it brought the project transport to a much higher level. 
1-tighter bass
 2- cleaner and better separation 
 3-even more natural than before 
 4- a deeper sound stage
 I did notice that the transport will not play the last 4 song on one of my discs , but the musical fidelity m1cdt plays it go figure? next week when I receive my parts for the dc power cord upgrade and build it that should take it to a higher level then the basic zip cord that comes with the power supply, plus a fuse upgrade.
I've been listening to mine with a new LTA power supply (LSA is two blocks away from me, so...).  Five days in, I'm very happy with it.  I'd echo kully560's comments above.  In particular, vocals seem more raw and true to source, as do guitars.  I just listened to Jeff Beck live at Ronnie Scotts, and the tone and timbre of his playing seemed ... more (as did Colaiuta's drumming for that matter).  I've not had any issue playing tracks at the end of CDs.  Many thanks to Mark and Nicholas at LTA for their contribution to my listening happiness.  (BTW, when I stopped by to pick up the power supply, Mark showed off a new "plus" version of his ZOTL 40 amp with refurbished Quad 57s.  I was stunned.  Quite the match.)

kully560, would you mind posting a link to the DC power cord upgrade?  Thanks.
@kully560 and @disc, 
Congratulations on acquiring the linear power supplies. Given the high quality level of the Pro-Ject transport you'd think that the  DC power-umbilical cable would be made to a higher standard. Those cables matter and contribute to the overall sound quality.

If I decide to purchase  the Pro-Ject I'm going with the LTA linear power supply and a top quality umbilical cable. May as well extract the full potential of the transport. 