a remarkably basic question about Roon

I'm considering trying out Roon and, despite hours spent on their too-busy website, I'm still not entirely sure what it would do for me. (Trying to get through their "support" section is an exercise in misery all around.) 

Here's my clueless question. I currently stream music through a Bryston BDP. I use the Bryston software, "Manic Moose," on my laptop or phone to create playlists, move between digital sources (flash drive, Qobuz, radio), and as a remote control for volume, song choice, etc. The Bryston software isn't at all elegant but it's functional.

So, if I get Roon, would I be doing the same thing from the Roon app on my laptop or phone? Would I be completely bypassing "Manic Moose"? and doing everything on the Roon app, including such things as volume and song selection? I understand that Roon is an effective organizer of music from multiple sources; is it also a "media player?? (I have a traditional two-channel set-up and don't do multiple rooms.) The Manic Moose software is clunky enough that I'd consider swapping it out for Roon, if that's in fact what I would be doing. 



And thank you as well, kr4. Very helpful! 

I'm sorry about the confusing term "media player." That's the term that Bryston uses for the part of its software program that selects songs, shows streaming rates, and controls volume. It's the face of the interface, if that makes sense. I don't have any video set up. 

Roon. Is. Wonderful.

I wasn’t sure I would like it, and now I can’t imagine not using it. It is so much better, imo, than the interfaces/apps for Tidal and Qobuz. It’s like Wikipedia merged with Tidal/Qobuz, where you have artists, albums, discographies all hyperlinked and searchable. I have found SO much new music and so many new artists by following the rabbit trails from other artists and albums.

Having my ripped music (>600 CDs) stored on my Roon core/server (Small Green Computer), and being able to pull that up, integrated or separately along with my Tidal favorites, and to be able to search by genres and all the other sort criteria, in addition to being able to custom tag, is wonderful. I love being able to pull up the different versions of records (MQA, redbook, etc) and compare.

I am sure I am forgetting things that I love, but I can’t imagine not using Roon. I can’t wait to have other rooms running when I get some Roon-ready speakers or devices. I use a 10" Kindle Fire tablet as my remote control (or the phone in a pinch) and it works great. Oh, Roon Radio is nice too!

@northman : You got this right! The purpose of a Nucleus is though not useless. The idea is to "free" your laptop, and run Roon Core (the server) in a dedicated headless machine that stays always on. You can accomplish this not just via a Nucleus, but also by cheaper solutions, like a NUC or sonicTransporter (from Small Green Computer).

but I personally find it easier to think about Roon as an organizing app that I download on my laptop that will interface with my streamer, either through the laptop or phone, and allow me to control my music. 

Yep, it's a replacement for most media players + internet radio + DSP capacilities which are outstanding.

Do Squeezebox devices like Touch and Radio work with Roon?  Anybody doing that?