"I recommend against that, because if it happens, @onhwy61 will lose his nose obviously first."
61 has been here since when I first started posting (the year 2000) and the "A'Gon start dates" linked to many of our monikers are inaccurate (something to do with a system overhaul years ago).
Always enjoyed 61's input and from memory he seems to be more even keeled than many, many, many, many, many here (defintely including myself).
However, if the OP were to be granted "power" over their thread(s), as 61 suggested, I assume that 50-75% of my posts would not make the grade.
this is a BIG NO to me (plus it would enable the misinformation/shill posters).
I made a suggestion/solution in regard to the OP's query, as have others.
What has been your contribution to this thread, aside from attacking the OP?