A “Tuned” power cord, Huh?

I've heard of a tuned turban, a tuned tuba, a tuned tuna, etc...

Please, anyone, is the above “mumbo” or “jumbo”...or...is there an actual scientific explanation for tuning a power cord?

Thank you.
I've been told that my power cords (Harmonix XD-C Studio Master) is a tuned cord. Nothing about the "tuning" thing motivated me to buy these babies. The fact that a golden earred buddy of mine, traded in his Elrods for these, was enough incentive for me. They are absolutely amazing as is their Golden Performance IC, which may be tuned as well. Their website might offer more info about this. Me? Don't give a ______. It's the sound that matters. My tunes, certainly sound better with these cords and ICs. peace, warren
Much of the audio world is still discussing whether or not anyone can hear a meaningful difference, and if so why. Yet we have a manufacturer with such advanced knowledge that they can actually "tune" a PC, whatever that means. Verrrrry interesting! I must wonder what they tune it with, a tuning fork? Caveat emptor for sure.
All/most reputable components are "voiced". "Tune"/"voice" would seem to mean the same.
You can tuna Steinway but you can't tuna fish. I have a tunable power cord on my preamp. It is a Vans Evers "Double Pandora" and uses two sliders on the outside of the cord to tune it. Comes with very detailed instructions on where to put the sliders to acheive tighter bass, more extended highs, etc. WORKS!