absolute best component you ever owned

I am sure we all have a truely favorite component, be it speakers, amp, TT, listening chair, etc. What are your favorites?
...as it's the only component that I still have after 12 years, which is when I started in this insane hobby. Everything else has changed several times. Close runner up is my Magnepan MMG's...they WILL be upgraded to 12's or 1.6s eventually, but these are insanely great $500.00 speakers.
I agree with Mp10019, the Silverline Sonatas are the best speaker's I have ever owned and compare well with the JMLab Utopias at $30000.
My corkscrew. Used liberally prior to and during listening sessions, it enhances the sound of any type of music or equipment .

My opinionion, for worth it's what.
Hi Kelly; No bets here. I'll just add that the McCormack goes to SMC for full upgrade in March, the 360S DAC is fully upgradable, and the 37 Transport, besides sounding great, has permanent disc/track programming-- a feature I'd hate to be without. In fact, I'm even considering a 2nd ML 37 while they're still available:>) Cheers. Craig.