I think it is a risk tolerance issue. Personally, if I could take a total loss on the item and not blink an eye… then if there is some compelling reason to do so, I will. I would never buy a mechanical device from over seas. Too unreliable and too much hassle if you had to send it back.
If I am buying a piece of audiophile equipment, no way. There are principle attributes of audiophile equipment: incredible sound quality, build quality, reliability, and absolutely no hassles.
I used to own a Sonic Frontiers CD player (Canada), and every two years the transport would go out… I would send it up and they would replace it. I did this for nearly ten years. Well, life is too short… 1) I will not buy a major component from outside the US and 2) no more Sonic Frontiers… even though the fixed it.
An audiophile piece of gear should be forever (if you want it to be) and completely hassle free… in 15 years is that 20% you saved worth the fear and uncertainty?
Your call.