Am I nuts?

Thinking of buying a 15 plus year old CD player that cant be fixed if laser fails.  


Me too. I buy everything repairable and if it’s not repairable I don’t buy at all.

If 100 years old player repairable and brand new not, than I'll buy 100 years old repairable player.

If you are paying $10 for the player, you’re not nuts. If you are paying $1000, you are nuts.

BTW, try to find a Laser replacement on ebay.

I wouldn't. If you really need a CDP and can't wait, go for something new(er) and easily repairable (or disposable) and slowly save your money for a better one down the road.

If I had a crystal ball and could foresee the demise of CD players in the next few years, then I'd say go and buy a new one on credit. 

All the best,