Khaki8 , I bought my Quiet Line Filters at CES, after I heard the demo,
Sean, I went into a lot of detail about electrical in another post, so won't cover all points. The short version is that I had the electric company do a dedicated transformer, run 220 three phase and install a 750 amp straight thorough box (amp probe meter rather than disconnect type). Then I put all digital on lower leg, all analog on higher leg, and third phase to air conditioning system. The fourteen dedicated breakers are all 10 gauge with a separate TNN ground to true earth. The star ground does not even see the rest of the house.
As far a comments about dimmers, I too have none in my home. The reason I answered the question the way I did was the fact that the poster seemed ready to sell his amp rather than do away with the lighting.
Difficult to know what is important to anyone's family. Add to that, the filters did help my system, even when I had no problem. Looked like an inexpensive option, compared to selling gear. As always, will not fit everyone's needs.
Sean, I went into a lot of detail about electrical in another post, so won't cover all points. The short version is that I had the electric company do a dedicated transformer, run 220 three phase and install a 750 amp straight thorough box (amp probe meter rather than disconnect type). Then I put all digital on lower leg, all analog on higher leg, and third phase to air conditioning system. The fourteen dedicated breakers are all 10 gauge with a separate TNN ground to true earth. The star ground does not even see the rest of the house.
As far a comments about dimmers, I too have none in my home. The reason I answered the question the way I did was the fact that the poster seemed ready to sell his amp rather than do away with the lighting.
Difficult to know what is important to anyone's family. Add to that, the filters did help my system, even when I had no problem. Looked like an inexpensive option, compared to selling gear. As always, will not fit everyone's needs.