@nonoise , no, I would say we are down to wishful thinking and reality.
mahgister, did you mean, "trunk" of an elephant?
Somehow I have to get through to you guys that listening to the sound and listening to music are two separate things. You can listen to sounds other than music like Gun shots, baby's crying, 18 wheelers passing by. an MRI machine, an F22 flying over, etc. When I am listening to music I am not analyzing the sound. You can switch back and forth. I usually listen to the sound at the beginning of a record as a short analysis of the quality of the recording. Once I have that down and maybe make an adjustment or two I'll settle back and enjoy the music. If a new instrument or voice comes in I might analyze it for a second then settle back again. What I or anyone else for that matter thinks of the sound is totally different from what I think or anyone else thinks of the music. Just listen to any Robert Johnson recording. Pretty bad right! Ah, but the music is another story.