Analysis plus oval silver or oval 9 ?

I am wiring my Talon Peregrine X speakers up and i am looking to find a good decently priced cable. (As i need a very long run of it, so it adds up fast.) I think i am going to decide between the Analysis Plus Silver Oval and the oval 9. I was curious what people's thoughts were on the differences between them. I would also consider Acoustic Zen Satori or Hologram if i could find it cheap enough in a 20 foot lenth. Thanks a lot, - Ian
lordgorian offense, but why would anyone like boring sound. Maybe perhaps you mean smooth or laid back as opposed to bright. I'm all for that. A smooth sounding system can still be dynamic, detailed & high in resolution, which is the sonic character I prefer. All I am saying is AP is veiled sounding. My experince was that it masked resolution to the extent where some of information seems to get lost. IMHO it sucks the life out of a system & therefore is boooooring. It may work well in a bright & fatigueging system by taking some of the edge out, but you will still loose detail & dynamics. Simply a high resolution system this wire will not do it justice.
Can you guys state the equipment you're using? I understand cables are system dependent, as all things are, so it would help me a lot if I knew what you are hooking up with these cables in question.

The rest of my system consists of a musical fidelity M3 nuvista super integrated amp, nordost quattro fil ICs and a sony SCD 777 ES cd player. I hope this helps but im not sure if it will as few people have the nu vista stuff before. Let me know... thanks
my system consist of electrocompaniet EMC1 24/192 cd player, joule electra la-200 tube preamp, conrad johnson premier 11-a tube amp, ps audio p-300 power plant, sonus faber electa amatour (originals) speakers, rel stadium II sub, nordost red dawn ic's, audioquest midnight III speaker cable bi-wired.
The proper name for the cable kit is 47 Labs OTA (I believe Sakura to be a distributor of the same). Though most of the users of this cable seem to either be using tube and/or 47 Labs gear I have also tried mine with a Musical Fidelity X-A1 (remember that little thing) and the sound was excellent (by far the best the amp has ever sounded). The cable is thinner than the cord on a typical computer mouse and since it is a single cable four runs need to be used for regular stereo speakers (eight runs if biwired). If you do not biwire you would have plenty left to make up IC's with. The kit also contains special RCA's with which the IC's are made (no soldering or special tools are required) and you select the length of the IC's and speaker cables (just snip the amount needed off of the 50 meter roll of cable). The cable kit retails for $600 (approx. 180 feet of cable and enough RCA's to make of three sets of IC's), but don't let the low price fool you. Oh, and by the way my equipment (except the speakers) is in a hall closet (not enough room under the bed:-).