And Clapton Didn't Even Know

In one of the many tributes to Ornette Coleman I came across the following comment from Jack Bruce regarding Cream. "(Cream) was an Ornette Coleman band, with Eric [Clapton] not knowing he was Ornette Coleman, Ginger [Baker] and me not telling him."

Wow! I was blind, but now I see.
Actually my bad. Faulty memory, I guess.

I just checked and saw that McVie played with the BB as early as 1964. Clapton was in and out during 1965-1966, so they did overlap. I thought I recalled that Jack Bruce played bass on "Beano", but he was in on only a few tracks, McVie did most of the work. So, per your observation, add Clapton to McVie's list.

Thanks for the correction.
Bruce had a very recognizable voice. SImilar to John Wetton who is another similarly talented bassist musician and vocalist.

Come to think of it I bet John Wetton has played with many star guitarists over teh years as well. But more in teh progressive rock vein than roots/blues.
Marty, McVie is on the cover and on the record: The band on this album includes Mayall on piano, Hammond organ, harmonica and most vocals; bassist John McVie; drummer Hughie Flint; and Clapton. Augmenting the band on this album was a horn section added during post-production[citation needed], with Alan Skidmore, Johnny Almond, and Derek Healey (misrepresented on the sleeve as 'Dennis Healey'). (from Wikipedia)
Clapton was very confused about what he wanted musically prior to getting off drugs and alcohol. He has sometimes been reluctant to really play his guitar much on his recordings. Other times he has been quoted, in his autobiography, that he liked it when they said Clapton is God.