Any advantage to Bluesound Node 2i Versus Streaming from PC

I'm trying a loaner Bluesound Node 2i streamer which salesperson said will sound better than streaming from my PC.  I doubted this since both are just feeding a digital signal to my Amp.  It's just zeros and ones right?   I have the Bluesound connected with a decent (not high end) digital coaxial cable to my Lyngdorf 3400.  The PC is connected with a cheap USB cable to the same Lyngdorf.  The sensitivity of both inputs is set to 0dB.  The bluesound is set to fixed volume and the PC volume is set to max.  I am playing Tidal through both input devices.  I am trying to discern if there is any difference in sound quality.  When played through the amp the bluesound volume is a whole lot louder than the PC.  I have not found a way to level match the two inputs for comparison.  The bluesound sounds good and is a lot louder per any particular volume setting on the amp.  Does this mean the Bluesound is sending a better signal to the amp?  Is the  coaxial cable a better medium to transmit the  audio signal?  Is this the reason it's louder?  Could the Tidal feed through Bluesound be better than the Tidal Desktop app on my PC?  I need some help as I have to decide by Saturday whether to keep the Bluesound or return it. Other than sound quality there are only minor advantages to owning the Bluesound which don't warrant the purchase.  My amp has a built in streamer but no built in Tidal (which is the reason I'm using the PC.)
With Roon and my Roon ready amp with built in Streamer and playing Tidal How do the audio files get to the amp. If I’m still passing the audio files through the PC via USB what’s the advantage of “Roon ready” amp and Roon itself?  I don’t really need library management.  The DAC is within the amp.  The goal with considering Roon would be to stop passing the music files through the PC. Maybe I’m missing something. 
The main draw with Roon is the awesome user interface as well as the sound quality is better than say iTunes.  You would have to run the roon core software on a computer then from there you can send to your DAC as a RAAT (Roon Advanced Audio Transport) which is the highest quality way to stream from Roon.  I hear it as far superior to airplay or spotify connect or Tidal even in my system.  Roon is a joy to use and explore your music far better than Tidal and it integrates Tidal so think of it as a way better Tidal user experience as well as better sound.  You can use your phone as a remote control to run roon or an iPad or a desktop app as well.  It's a little confusing to make sense of how it works. I was terribly confused when I first looked into it but I can tell you it's one thing I would never want to be without.  A roon lifetime membership is about the same price as a new node 2i
I assume you have the TDAI 1120?  Its all setup to receive roon RAAT via wifi so basically you could run the roon software on your windows machine and then send the signal over your network.  You don't need the node 2i it's just redundant if your amp is a roon endpoint.  It will do all that you want to do and you have the added benefit of getting into the world of Roon.  
Roon’s website says that a core can be a Roon Nucleus or a personal computer, but then goes on to add that it could be a “server from one of our hardware partners”.  They  list Lyngdorf as a hardware partner, and most servers really are Linux Computers masquerading as audio components, so I would check with both Roon and Lyngdorf.  You won’t get the full MQA experience even with Roon doing its unfold bit, with the Lyngdorf.
I curious about Roon and thinking about giving it a try.  They say computer should have solid state drive and mine has spinning disk.  However if the computer is on 24/7 does it matter if it has a spinning drive?  Also I'm using the computer to access entertainment from Amazon Prime, YouTube websites, etc.  Does it matter if the computer is not entirely dedicated to Roon?  I don't use if for any actual computing but it does Microsoft Office suite, Itunes etc? 

What do you mean Lyngdorf won't provide full experience.  Master tracks playing through Tidal show up as 24/96.  Assume  I would get at least equal quality using Lyngdorf as Roon endpoint?