The NuVista was never meant to be my primary phono stage, but I needed something that had a low noise floor because the Ortofon MC2000/T2000 is difficult to amplify. I tried a less expensive phono stage with a small form factor, but once powered up it was an instant failure due to the noise floor being present. The NuVista does not have this issue and has the benefit of being easy to set up and use with multiple cartridges.
My impression of the personality of the phono stage is that it has the lightest touch of tube warmth, but does not move into the realm of what we typically hear from a tube based phono stage. Excellent imaging, nice low level detail, but a relaxed and flowing presentation.
I have two other phono stages, an Esoteric E-03 and a BMC MCCI Signature ULN. With my previous speakers a Transfiguration Proteus going into the Esoteric was heavenly, with the current speakers I had to fine tune the set up to make up for small differences. I suspect this cartridge may be a favorable pairing with the NuVista. An Ortofon Verismo is paired with the BMC and this is a dynamic and vibrant combination. I am not sure I want to change it. The other side of the Esoteric input has an Audio Tekne MC-6310 into a Uesugi Brothers Model 5 SUT. This combination is what I form in my minds eye when someone mentions classis Koetsu. The sound is rich, textured, intimate, and full bodied. I do not think this is a pairing that works on the NuVista.
I have a modified AR-XA that was done by the late Marc Morin and its in a beautiful lacewood base. I beautiful table that performs far better than you would expect of a vintage piece, but it has been touched by Marc. I will put another cartridge on it. I just received my first generation Kiseki Blackwood back with a new diamond, and that is my only spare cartridge. I think it will work with the NuVista. I have also thought of an Audio Technica PTG II, as this will be a casual use table also.
I cannot justify all the analog gear I have. If I was a smart man I would buy another Proteus and hold it for back up duties when the time comes to get my other one serviced. It sits on a Sota Cosmos Eclipse turntable with Origin Live Agile arm. This is really all I need to spin vinyl. But the Scheu Analog Das Laufwerk No 2, the first generation Sota Sapphire, and the AR XA are lovely examples of turntable design and a joy to use in their own ways.
I guess this is why audio is a life long hobby. A love of the heart does not need to be justified or rationalized.